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A.L.M.A. event gathering during True Blue Weekend 2022

Many 校友 maintain strong ties to 富兰克林 & 马歇尔 through their Greek organizations, sports teams, student organizations or other shared interests. 校友办公室 Engagement, in partnership with the 富兰克林 & PG电子 校友 Association Board, is eager to help 校友 engage with fellow members of their F&M亲和组 by providing a system of recognition for new groups, assisting with on-campus and regional event planning, providing contact information for fellow group members, assisting with communication to fellow affinity members and offering opportunities to work with the board in 校友 engagement. To learn more about affinity program guidelines, consult 我们的 校友 Affinity Handbook.

To get involved or to inquire about starting a new affinity group, contact Director of 校友 and 志愿者参与 唐娜·普卢姆 717-358-4266 or dpflum@aibeshosts.net.

Join one of these groups, which are recognized by the 校友 Association Board,或者自己创业。

African American 校友 Council
Asociacion Latino Movimiento Alumnal (ALMA)
Alpha Phi-Zeta Sigma

Diplomat Athletic Club (DAC)
Lancaster County 校友 Association of Phi Kappa Psi
Phi 出位
Sigma Sigma Sigma-Delta Nu Alumnae Association
The Greater Harbaugh Club 校友 Association
The Jewish 校友 Association
Xi Association of Phi Kappa Tau

Access the 校友 Directory

Get in touch with a long-lost friend or make a new one! Search for classmates and connections in the 校友 directory. Location filters allow you to find other F&M 校友 close by or search based on occupation/industry, college major, or any number of additional categories.


When you graduated from F&M, you joined a powerful network of nearly 30,000 successful 校友. Many of these 校友 are part of the 真蓝网络, a career network platform 专属于F&米社区. 这 impactful res我们的ce connects you with fellow 校友 and also houses career opportunities, a res我们的ce library, archived webinars, interest and affinity groups, and discussion boards.


学生 Engagement Opportunities

校友 Leaders of Tomorrow (ALOT)

F&M 校友 Leaders of Tomorrow program engages a small group of junior and senior students through education on the importance of a lifelong relationship with the College, volunteerism and meaningful mentorship. 这 program establishes the foundation for these students to continue serving as leaders of their peers post-graduation.
  1. Exclusive networking opportunities and meetings with F&M校友 
  2. A dedicated mentor from select F&M校友 leadership volunteer groups.
  3. The chance to attend regional 校友 events, which are only available to the F&米社区 
  4. Exclusive opportunities to be involved with on-campus events like True Blue Weekend 和赠予日 
  5. The opportunity to grow leadership skills, network and engage peers through various 倡议 
  1. Attend one ALOT meeting per month with the opportunity to interact with key figures from the College and 校友 Association
  2. Complete 10 volunteer h我们的s at designated events throughout the academic year. 这 requirement is easily fulfilled through opportunities like True Blue Weekend and Day 给. These events also serve as fantastic opportunities to interact with 校友 and start building y我们的 professional network!
  3. Coordinate networking events and 校友 panels events for current students and 校友
  4. To learn more and get involved, contact Director of 校友 & 志愿者参与 唐娜·普卢姆 dpflum@aibeshosts.net.


The 学生慈善事业  Committee and the Senior Campaign is a long-standing tradition 在F&M, inviting students, particularly seniors, to make a gift to the College that creates a lasting legacy for future F&米的学生. Current seniors contribute to a collective class gift and take their first steps down the path of philanthropy.

学生慈善事业 is the perfect way to express gratitude for y我们的 F&米的经验 while also taking part in making sure that this experience continues to make us proud.

To learn more and get involved, contact Director of 校友 & 志愿者参与 唐娜·普卢姆 dpflum@aibeshosts.net.


Have you recently moved or changed y我们的 contact info? 让我们知道!



Share y我们的 personal accomplishments and life updates with us!
