
F&M的公共安全部门是一个被认可的校园执法机构 committed to making the F&M 社区 a safe one for living and learning.

Working Around the Clock to Maintain a Safe Campus

F&公共安全部由威廉·麦克黑尔局长领导 其中包括20名宣誓就职的警察、4名保安和4名调度员. 该团队每天24小时工作,为学生、教师、 staff, and visitors. 

We also believe campus safety is a shared responsibility. Understanding the importance 合作、教育和警察与公民的伙伴关系使我们的校园成为和 our local 社区 — a safe and pleasant place to live and learn. 

An Accredited Law-Enforcement Agency

2011年,F&M的公共安全部门获得了认证奖,并成为 第四条国家认可的高等教育机构执法机构 within Pennsylvania.

认证是一种渐进的、经过时间验证的帮助执法机构的方式 in Pennsylvania evaluate and improve their overall performance. New operating policies 并制定了程序,以确保持续遵守全州范围内的规定 accreditation standards. With 134 professional standards and 184 sub-standards by which we are judged, we meet the highest standards of professionalism. 

Annual Security and Fire 安全 Reports

我们的首要任务之一是为整个校园提供一个安全的环境 社区. The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime 《PG电子》要求我们和所有负有重大责任的机构官员 为校园和学生事务公开披露校园犯罪统计数据. 在10月 每年,本出版物的目的是使您了解 safety and security policies that have been instituted at 富兰克林 & PG电子 to provide a safe academic environment.

公共安全 Compliance

F&M遵守宾夕法尼亚学院和大学的安全法案 1988. See our annual safety reports, information about Megan’s Law 和更多的.


Crime Prevention and Safeguarding Services

我们努力防止犯罪发生,而不是事后才作出反应. 通过我们的犯罪预防项目,我们努力消除或减少犯罪活动, 保持一个安全可靠的环境,关注我们的项目、实践和互动 根据我们多样化社区的需求,不断努力响应他们的需求 需要. 


富兰克林 & 马歇尔's 紧急 Alert is an instant, mass notification system that 使学生,家长,教师和专业人员的成员接受 updates and alerts on cell phones, email accounts, Twitter and Facebook. 




LiveSafe is a personal safety mobile app that F&M is providing to all students, faculty 和工作人员. The app provides a quick and convenient way to communicate directly with 公共安全.



紧急 Preparation Guidelines

F&M has a comprehensive 紧急 Response & Crisis Management Plan that will be activated in case of a crisis situation. 

了解更多关于紧急通信、建筑物疏散、校园紧急情况、 和更多的.


Bias Response Protocol (BRP)

We’re committed to an inclusive living and learning 社区. The safety, health 我们所有的学生,教师和专业人员的福祉都非常重视 认真. For that reason, we established a Bias Response Protocol (BRP).

“偏见事件”指的是有动机的行为,无论是犯罪还是其他行为 违法者对受害者的实际或感知年龄,种族,残疾, 性别认同或表达、婚姻或家庭状况、民族或族裔出身、 religion, sexual orientation, or veteran status. Under PLEAC Standards, we complete 为每一个被拦截、拘留、逮捕的人准备一份“基于偏见的警务预防表格” or cited by our officers. 

Additional 公共安全 Services

    • 每年365天,每天24小时在校园社区内巡逻, bikes, and officers on foot.
    • 为学生、教师和专业人员提供的安全报告包括 对学生进行培训,以促进在任何地方供应酒精的安全和责任 or consumed, and S.A.F.E., a program on campus taught by 公共安全 officers that 旨在提供教育意识,并介绍自卫的各个方面 to students 和工作人员.
    • 公共安全官员可以专门出席包括讲座在内的活动; sporting events, 和更多的.
    • 一名公共安全官员分配到每个学院宿舍,建立沟通,融洽关系 和信任,并提供一个与公共安全一致的联系点. 
    • COPs项目,让学生有机会在公共安全部门工作 and become an integral part of solving problems.
    • A walking escort service to and from on- and off-campus buildings.

联系ing 公共安全


如果你担心校园内某人的安全,请拨打911. Otherwise, you 可以 reach us by:

Anonymous Crime Reporting

如果你知道或听说过任何发生在 off campus involving F&M 社区 members, please fill out this form . 请注意,通过此提示提交不会立即得到快速响应. 如果您的提示是紧急情况或需要及时处理,请使用LiveSafe App where you 可以 also choose to remain anonymous.


如果你有关于政策澄清的问题,关注公共安全 matter, or any comments or suggestions for making F&M an even safer environment, you 可以 fill out this form to ask Chief William McHale.

Bias Reporting Form

F&M is committed to fostering a safe and welcoming campus 社区; in turn, it is 外交官社区的每个人都有责任参与创造 an environment in which others 可以 thrive without fear, hate, or bias. 所有的社区 成员,包括学生,教师和工作人员,可以使用此在线表格作出 the College aware of these incidents. 

请注意,此表格不应用于报告不当性行为的指控. Those reports should be made using the Sexual Misconduct Reporting Form.


Citizen Complaint Process

公共安全处致力为市民提供优质警务及保安服务 entire campus 社区 and its visitors. We take that duty 认真, and for that 原因是我们采取了内部保障措施来阻止我们滥用权力 员工. Complaints regarding such abuses are vigorously investigated to ensure 在诚信部门的同时保护双方的权益 citizens and department 员工.   

如果你觉得这个部门的员工有侮辱性的,不尊重的, 对你或他人不礼貌或不专业的态度,你被鼓励 report that employee to a Department supervisor.  

Complaints may be submitted in the following ways:

    • 人: Hand deliver to 公共安全 at 609 Old Main Drive.
    • 邮件: Send to the Chief, Director of 公共安全, 富兰克林 & PG电子, Lancaster, PA 17604-3003.
    • 传真: Fax complaint form to FMDPS c/o Chief, Director at 717-358-4579.
    • Electronic submission: 使用 Citizen Complaint Form for electronic submission.

Sexual Misconduct Reporting Form

The faculty 和工作人员 at F&M care deeply about your safety and believe that it is our obligation to do our best to keep you and our campus safe. This form is for reporting 性侵犯,性骚扰,约会/家庭暴力,跟踪 or other forms of sexual misconduct to the Title IX Office. 此表格将通知第九条办公室,并作为涉嫌行为的报告. It is not a formal complaint to initiate a Title IX investigation.




AED Locations on Campus

We have more than 50 AEDs located across campus. If you find yourself in the middle 在紧急情况下,您可以使用此地图找到您附近可用的AED.

See a list of AED locations on campus