Resources for Admitted Students

Join the F&Mily

If you’ve decided that F&M is the right fit for your educational journey, your next step is to confirm your place in the Class of 2028. Just go to your portal and submit your enrollment agreement online. We can’t wait to welcome you to the F&Mily!

New Student Information

We are so excited you chose Franklin & Marshall! The weeks and months leading up to your arrival in August will be busy ones. We are here to help guide all new students 通过在夏季结束到达校园之前你需要采取的步骤.

Plan A Visit to Campus

准备好探索未来四年可能成为你家的地方了吧? Visiting F&M is by far the best way to get a feel for day-to-day life on our campus.

What Does It Mean to Be a Diplomat?

“这意味着能够在不同文化之间和不同文化之间流畅地移动. It means 在不同的语言,不同的研究领域,不同的领域之间架起桥梁 of expertise, different cultures and different points of origin. It means transforming disruption into opportunity." — F&M President Barbara Altmann

Start Your Application

F&M接受来自两种来源之一的申请:通用申请或联合申请 Application. These platforms allow you to streamline your application process and apply to multiple colleges at once.

Begin Your Common Application
Begin Your Coalition Application

Once we receive your application, you’ll have access to your F&M Application Portal,你可以用它来上传额外的材料来支持你的申请.

Application Dates to Remember

Early Decision I
November 15 (Notified by Dec 15)
Early Decision II
January 15 (Notified by Feb 15)
Regular Decision
January 15 (Notified by April 1)
Transfer (Fall)*
April 15 (Notified by June 1)
Transfer (Spring)
November 1 (Notified by Nov 15)

*在优先截止日期之后收到的秋季转学申请将被考虑 a space-available basis until the class is full. You are encouraged to complete your application as soon as possible.

Application Options

Applying Early Decision

Are you convinced you want to be a Diplomat? If F&M is your top-choice school, applying Early Decision is the best option for you. Please note that applying Early Decision means that if you apply to F&M and get in, you’re committed to enroll. 

To apply Early Decision, you must complete an Early Decision Agreement on either the Common Application or the Coalition Application on Scoir. 

Early Decision Application Deadlines


Early Decision I Deadline:
November 15 of your senior year

You will be notified of our admission decision by December 15

Early Decision II Deadline: January 15 of your senior year

You will be notified of our admission decision by February 15

Begin Your Common Application
Begin Your Coalition Application

Early Estimates of Financial Aid

我们理解许多家庭需要知道他们可能会得到多少经济援助 before committing to F&M via Early Decision. We can provide you with an early estimate of the need-based financial aid for which you might qualify. This is an estimate only, not a guaranteed financial aid package. It also doesn’t guarantee or imply admission.
Learn how to get an early estimate

Keep Track of What You Need With an Application Checklist

We understand that this is a lot to remember and track! To help, we put together a 作为早期决定申请人完成申请过程的分步指南. 
Check out your application checklist

Applying Regular Decision

If you’re still exploring your options and F&M is one of many colleges you are considering, applying Regular Decision is likely your best option. We have one Regular Decision deadline in mid-January. 

Regular Decision Deadline:
January 15 of your senior year

You will be notified of our admission decision by April 1

Begin Your Common Application
Begin Your Coalition Application

Keep Track of What You Need With an Application Checklist

We understand that this is a lot to remember and track! To help, we put together a 一步一步的指导完成申请过程作为一个第一年的申请人. 
Check out your application checklist

Applying as a Transfer Student

We’re so glad you’re considering making F&M the place to continue your academic journey. F&M is a welcoming place for transfer students. There are two application deadlines depending on which semester you’d like to transfer. 

Fall Semester: 
April 15*

You will be notified of our admission decision by June 1

Spring Semester: November 1

You will be notified of our admission decision by November 15

*在优先截止日期之后收到的秋季转学申请将被考虑 a space-available basis until the class is full. You’re encouraged to complete your application as soon as possible.

If you have any questions, you can email

Begin Your Common Application

Keep Track of What You Need With an Application Checklist

We understand that this is a lot to remember and track! To help, we put together a 完成转学生申请过程的分步指南.
Check out your application checklist

Register for an Interview with our Transfer Student Ambassador

We welcome eligible students for 2024 Spring enrollment to register.
Register for an interview

Applying as an International Student

我们很高兴你有兴趣在 F&M. There is a strong global presence at F&M, with almost 20% of our students coming to our campus from countries outside of the U.S.
Learn about the international student experience at F&M

If you’re applying to F&M as an international student, you will be asked to follow 标准的申请程序和还提供了一些额外的信息,包括 proof of proficiency in the English language. If F&M is your first-choice institution, we recommend you apply Early Decision. We place an exceptional value on students who apply early. Otherwise, you may apply Regular Decision.
Apply to F&M as an international student

Keep Track of What You Need With an Application Checklist

We understand that this is a lot to remember and track! To help, we put together a 一步步指导完成国际学生的申请过程.
Check out your application checklist

Standardized Testing Options

Additional Application Materials

Do you want to further personalize your application to F&M? We welcome any materials that you feel add value to your application. These include an optional admission interview; videos or images of dance or theater performances; or samples of your work in film, art or creative writing. 

Schedule an Interview

Interviews are a great way for us to get to know each other better. At F&M, interviews are engaging, informal conversations. And while interviews are not required, they are a good way to strengthen your application. This is your time to tell us something that may not show up on your application.

Check out our interview tips to get some insight into what makes a good interview.

Schedule an interview

Art Portfolio Samples

F&M’s art, art history, and film departments welcome samples of  your artistic work in any medium. Art talent samples should include 最少6个,最多20个作品,最好以PDF文件提交给您的 F&M Application Portal. 

Please include your full name and type of medium in the PDF file name. Also include 一篇简短的个人陈述(约250字),说明为什么艺术创作很重要 to you.

Music Samples

There are many ways to share your musical prowess with F&M’s music department. You can submit a recording of a performance to your F&M Application Portal (a video recording (优先),提交任何作品的副本或录音,并与音乐 department representative on campus or virtually. 

Dance Samples

Dance at F&M is open to all students, regardless of prior experience. If you have experience 想要展示你的舞蹈技巧,你可以上传一段视频到你的 F&M Application Portal. Please include your first and last name in the video title. 如果您提交的表演包括多名舞者,请说明您的身份 when submitting. Please also indicate whether you choreographed the piece.

Additional Letters of Recommendation

除了要求的推荐信外,欢迎您发送其他的推荐信 recommendation from coaches, supervisors, or mentors who know you well. However, we ask that you be mindful of how many letters you send.

Scholarship Opportunities

F&M students are global citizens who lead impactful lives. Diplomats are collaborative, intellectually curious, creative and entrepreneurial. To build a community of students 对于前途光明、背景多样的学生,我们提供多种形式的奖学金 merit aid.

Diplomat Leadership Program

外交官领导力项目旨在塑造和激励下一代学生 leaders. 被选中的学生将获得奖学金,并开始为期四年的综合学习 审视成为领导者、社区成员和变革力量的意义 in the world.

iF&M in Bath, England

iF&M (i代表国际)是一个程序,在此期间,一组选定的 一年级新生秋季学期在指导下在英国生活和学习 of an F&M faculty member. Outside the classroom, you’ll have the chance to explore 伦敦,埃文河畔斯特拉特福,牛津和其他令人敬畏的地方沉浸在 culture and history.

F&M Application Portal

如果您是当前的申请人,您可以通过链接访问您的申请门户 below.

Financial Aid at F&M

We’re dedicated to making an F&M education affordable for all. By offering need- and 基于成绩的经济援助,我们能够欢迎来自各种背景的有才华的学生.

Learn more about financial aid at F&M


of F&M students receive some sort of need-based aid

Experience Campus

准备好第一次看校园,探索这个可能成为你家的地方吧 for the next four years? Whether you visit us in person or “walk around” with a virtual 旅游,我们的招生团队准备帮助您建立您的访问,以满足您的需求.

Plan your visit »

Franklin & Marshall College is committed to having an inclusive campus community where all members are treated with dignity and respect. The College does not discriminate 基于性别、种族或民族、肤色、国籍、宗教、年龄、 残疾,家庭或婚姻状况,或性取向的管理 教育政策,招生政策,经济援助计划,体育和其他 College-administered programs.

联邦立法要求高等教育机构与所有有意向的人分享 members of the community a copy of their Annual Security Report (ASR), which is available through Franklin & Marshall's Department of Public Safety. ASR包含有关学院的信息,它的设施,犯罪统计, and where to report any crimes, among other information.  A hard copy of the ASR is available by emailing Chief William McHaleat Franklin & Marshall's Department of Public Safety Campus Police or calling (717) 358-3870.

根据宾夕法尼亚州的法律,如果有合理的理由怀疑一个孩子 has been abused, F&M will report this to the appropriate state authorities.