
Home / 大学政策 / 技术 / 富兰克林 & 马歇尔- F的隐私声明&米的网站


这个通知解释了F&M会收集及处理阁下的个人资料 进入本网站.

1. 自动收集个人资料

When you access the College's website, certain information will automatically be recorded by F&M's third party website hosting company, Linode, which is managed by our third-party 网站软件供应商,P'unk Ave. 收集的信息包括您的IP地址、 what browser you are using and information related to the pages 你访问. 这个信息 informs decisions about future site improvements and in some instances could aid detection 以防出现安全漏洞.

2. 非自动的收集

Where you are required under this website to provide personal data, the uses of this data will be indicated at the point of collection, for example when filling out an online form requesting more information or to sign up for a College event.

3. 第三方访问

The personal data you provide will only be sent to third parties with which 富兰克林 & PG电子 has a contractual relationship and that 3rd party assists in one or more aspects of the College's data processing for business purposes.


Your data is held confidentially and securely in all of these systems. 这些合作伙伴 are only allowed to use your data in in accordance with the strict instructions of F&M. Neither party will use your data in any other way nor will they share it with 其他组织吗?.

F&M每年修订此通知. 来了解这些异常的任何变化 the publication date (见通知底部),BG电子 dpo@aibeshosts.net

Area #1 - online admissions-related inquiries and applications

F&M,和所有的U一样.S.美国高等教育机构与第三方合作 partners (the Coalition for Access, Technolutions, The Common Application, FrontRush, Hobbson's, RaiseMe, CHEGG and The College Board) as part of our admissions processes. 这些合作伙伴 assist with some or all of the following: identifying potential applicants, processing admissions inquiries, tour scheduling, email marketing and application 招生和经济援助的处理. 你应该被录取吗 to F&M, a 3rd-party payment processor will process your credit card deposit payment.

If you submit data through any of the online forms related to admission on F&的网站, our partner organizations will use your personal data to respond to your inquiry and/or 处理你的申请. 你将被要求承认我们收集和 在这些在线表格中处理您的数据.

Area #2- online engagement with alumni and friends of the College

F&M works with a third party partner (iModules) to provide an alumni portal, process online gifts, send email communications and accept online event 登记s. If you submit data through any of the online forms related to alumni, our partner organization will use your personal data to respond to your inquiry and/or process your gift or 登记.

领域3 -提供更好的学生和员工体验

F&M works with several third party providers (TerraDotta, HandShake, Blackboard, Maxient, Instructure, OCLC's WorldShare Management System, FrontRush, ATS, ScriptSafe, National 学生 Clearinghouse, Interfolio and Interview Exchange, and Rave Mobile Tracker) to provide services to students and in some cases employees as well. 这些供应商 provide services such as a study abroad application portal, career services and mentoring portal, ID card and dining plan management, athletic team membership management, conduct management, online course management, library lending, academic transcript production, faculty and staff recruitment and hiring support and emergency notification systems.

4. 饼干

饼干 are small text files that are placed on your device by 网站 that 你访问.

我们的网站, prodinteract.aibeshosts.netgoogle使用cookies有三个目的:

  1. 确保网站正常运行. 这些cookie是由我们的网络服务器设置的

  2. To gather anonymous information about the use of our website so we can continuously 改善网站

  3. To capture users' subjects of interest and then serve targeted advertising on other 网站

We do not use cookies to collect personal information about you.

Should you wish to restrict or block cookies which are set by our website, F&米建议 你访问 aboutcookies.org 哪一个包含了一系列浏览器的文档. 请注意限制 饼干可能会影响我们网站的功能.

F&M每年修订此通知. 以了解自发布日期以来的任何变化 (见通知底部),BG电子 dpo@aibeshosts.net






此cookie存储由web服务器分配的唯一ID. 它是用来启用一些 网站功能正常工作. 当您关闭浏览器时,它将被删除.





这些饼干是F&M的应用.fandm.F的edu部分&M的网站收集 有关访问者如何使用我们网站的信息. 我们利用这些信息编制报告 并帮助我们改进网站. 这些cookie还用于跟踪用户的兴趣 然后在其他网站提供有针对性的广告. cookie收集信息 in an anonymous form, including the number of 访问ors to the site, where 访问ors 访问过网站和他们访问过的页面.







这些饼干 are used to collect 有关访问者如何使用我们网站的信息. We use the information to compile reports 并帮助我们改进网站. 这些饼干 are also used to track users' interests and then provide targeted advertising on other 网站. cookie收集信息 in an anonymous form, including the number of 访问ors to the site, where 访问ors have come to the site from and the pages they 访问.


5. 在线广告

我们网站的某些部分带有跟踪代码. 此代码跟踪您拥有的页面 访问ed on the College's site and passes this to certain other 网站 you may 访问 为定向广告提供信息. 这些数据是匿名的,学院无法看到 your name, phone number, email address or any other personal information which could 识别你.

6. 电子邮件营销

入学, 体育运动, Advancement and general Communications email marketing to prospective 学生、家长和校友可以包括UTM代码. 一个UTM代码很简单 code that you can attach to a custom URL in order to track a source, medium, and campaign name. 这使得Google分析能够告诉F&M哪个特定的营销信息 带你来到我们的网站. 所有的电子邮件营销都为你提供了一个机会 完全取消订阅所有F&与m相关的电子邮件或仅来自选定的营销活动.

7. 了解更多信息



如需进一步资料或查询有关F&M的隐私做法, 请联络F&M的数据保护官.

F&M的副总裁 & 首席信息官Carrie Rampp是学院的数据保护官.
富兰克林 & PG电子



Notice Maintained by: Information 技术 Services, Vice President and Chief Information 官