
首页 / 大学政策 / 技术 / 富兰克林 & 马歇尔-可接受的使用政策和用户协议


I. 政策的理由和陈述

这一政策 定义了富兰克林的可接受用法 & 马歇尔(F&M)信息和技术 资产. Those users who violate this policy are subject to the range of sanctions set forth in the 学生 Code, Human Resources and College 政策, as well as any 适用的地方、州和联邦法律. 学院基建委员会保留 有权随时修改本政策.

II. 范围

这一政策 适用于F的所有成员&M社区,包括员工,学生,教师, emeriti faculty, visitors, volunteers, third parties, alumni, contractors, consultants, clients, temporaries, and others (collectively known as "users"), who have access 支持、管理、管理或维持&M信息技术资产.

3. 政策

访问 information and technology 资产 provided 学院 is a privilege granted to 学院社区的成员. 这些资产将用于活动 它们就是为此而设计的. 学院也承认地方,州和联邦 laws relating to copyright, information security, and intellectual property are applicable 给学院的所有成员. 学院保留权利限制或 restrict computing privileges and access to its information and technology 资产 不另行通知. 

当学院 respects an individual's use of computing resources, it should be noted that there are no facilities provided for sending, receiving, storing, or otherwise manipulating private messages, information, or files, and there should be no expectation of 隐私 使用学院的网络或系统. 这在技术上是不可能保证的 隐私. 学院 does not examine or disclose the contents of electronic communications and traffic data without the consent of the individual participating in the communication, except in certain cases such as responding to a cybersecurity event, phishing attack, 或者网络问题,或者在本政策和其他政策中概述的问题.

技术资产由F&为学院持续的业务需要.  Personal use of equipment assigned to an individual, such as a laptop or tablet, unrelated to the business needs of the College, is strongly discouraged, as many cybersecurity 事件就是由这种交叉用法产生的. 任何此类个人使用均由您自行决定 不期望保密性、完整性或可用性的风险.  

F公司为员工提供计算机设备&M的目的是执行他们的 工作职能. Using personally owned computers to directly access College administrative systems that are used for the ongoing business operations of the College, such as 人力资源,工资单和财务,是强烈反对的. 员工应该使用 为这种访问提供了设备.

有时, situations arise and scenarios occur that may require access to information stored 学院制度内. 例如,这可能是由法律行动、卫生保健引起的 或者是安全问题,或者是学校的紧急业务需要. 可提供访问权限 以下学院官员的批准.













用户必须 遵守学院的保护条例 数据分类策略 before using any Internet service to transmit, store, or process confidential or 敏感数据.


    • Lack of confidentiality and/or integrity of information accessed, sent, or received.

    • 没有隐私保护.

    • Website operators and other third parties may collect, store, and share information 关于访问他们网站或使用他们服务的用户.


and all data transferred or stored using the College’s email system are considered 大学的记录. 知识产权的所有权由其各自保留 创造者(s). 这一政策 is not intended to supersede the College’s Intellectual Property 政策.


    • 为与学院有关的活动和业务提供了什么.

    • personal use with third-party services that have not been provisioned 学院 (流媒体服务、社交媒体等.)是不鼓励的. 个人电子邮件帐户 should be used to limit the individual's and College’s security profile exposure.


    • 禁止用于学院的正式事务.

    • are encouraged to be used with personal services such as social media or online shopping.

发送不恰当的邮件 任何违反学校政策的行为都是被禁止的. 用户收到不当邮件 should immediately contact the ITS Help Desk at 717-358-6789 or helpdesk@aibeshosts.net. In the case of serious risk or potential harm, users should contact the Office of 请立即拨打717-358-3939. 


    • 骚扰、淫秽或威胁信息

    • 未经授权交换敏感或机密数据

    • sending non-College-sanctioned advertisements, solicitations, or chain letters 

    • sending malware or a message that is intended to mislead the recipient into performing 一个动作

    • 歪曲消息发送者的身份

    • using or attempting to use the accounts of others without their permission

学院 reserves the right to determine the information security level of any non-College-owned or non-College-managed systems that connect to the College network or systems. 之前 granting access to the College network, the College will ensure that a baseline level 安全措施已得到满足. 用户对自己拥有的设备负责 同时与学校的信息资源相连.  书院亦保留 the right to block software, applications, sites, or services that are determined to be malicious, that negatively impact network performance, or that are commonly 用于侵犯版权.

用户可能不会 connect systems to the College network that emulate, spoof, replicate, or interfere 使用学院现有的资讯科技服务. 一些合同 服务、高校网络租户、共享服务组织等.,可查询 regarding an exemption to this “网络服务冲突” section by contacting the ITS department before installing any software, systems, or equipment and receiving 书面许可.


    • actions negatively impacting any College provided information or technology asset.

    • 妨碍他人使用学校资源.

    • 违反学院许可或合同协议的.


    • distributing copyrighted material such as images, music, software, movies, electronic books, journals, or any other digital content for which the user does not have appropriate 权利.

    • storing information for, or producing, physical items that could be considered weapons 任何形式的.

    • using College resources to offer goods or services of a commercial nature not sanctioned 学院.

我同意 遵守上述义务,并同意不使用F&M是信息技术 资产 in any way that diminishes the effectiveness of those 资产 or interferes 其他人合理地、独立地使用这些系统. 我承认 富兰克林权 & PG电子及其指定的工作人员,必要时进行检查 as a function of responsible system management, all files stored in, or data transmitted 通过,学院的信息和技术资产.

I understand that upon violation of the terms of this agreement, the College retains 拒绝当前和未来计算特权的权利. 我知道我可以 also be subject to further disciplinary action 学院 and/or legal action 因违反任何联邦、州或地方法律而引起的.

书院基建委员会 会否每年检讨这项政策. 所有的修订将提交给 Chief Information 官 (CIO) and Chief Information Security 官 (CISO) for 批准.

政策 Maintained by: Information 技术 Services, Vice 总统 and Chief Information 官