
看看校园里的任何地方,你都会看到F&M最大的资产是我们的员工. 异常 F&M faculty and staff are key players in achieving the College’s mission and goals. In HR, we’re committed to attracting, empowering and supporting this community of 专业人才.

We pride ourselves on helping our 学生 build meaningful careers and fulfilling 生活. 这一理念也适用于我们的员工. 

我们学院的每个角色都是有目的地策划的. 不管是什么职位,每个员工 engages their talents and skills in necessary, valued work that creates an extraordinary learning community that supports and inspires our 学生.


  • 感觉自己受到重视,有能力做出改变
  • Champion the value of liberal arts and help 学生 learn and grow
  • Engage in solutions-oriented, dynamic and collaborative work with colleagues who treat 给你尊严和尊重
  • 加入一个充满才华和包容性的校园社区









Faculty and professional staff enjoying musical chairs on campus

Benefits That Promote a Healthy and Happy Lifestyle

We’re proud to offer a comprehensive and competitive benefits package that fosters a solid work-life balance for our employees, including tuition benefits for employees 以及他们的家属.

In order to support our employees in maintaining a healthy work-life balance, we’re incredibly proud to offer policies and programs such as a 混合工作政策和e额外的带薪休假和 假期安排.








在F公司有很多促进健康的方法&M. 我们的校友体育 & 健身 Center; beautiful campus for walking, running, and biking; and mindfulness activities such as yoga, meditation, and more; it’s no wonder F&M被授予“健康友好”奖 公司“地位”由美国心脏协会. 


The Workplace 安全 Committee coordinates, assesses, and responds to campus safety 问题. Their purpose is to reduce the risk of work-related injuries/illnesses while 提倡积极主动的安全文化. 



F&M位于宾夕法尼亚州兰开斯特., a place where historic preservation and a thriving 艺术现场生活并排. 探索F&M非凡的家乡城市,了解更多 about its art galleries, historical buildings and delicious restaurants.




We take pride in the resources and support we offer our employees. 我们也鼓励 our employees to engage in shared governance structures. 他们可以通过 joining faculty or staff council, an affinity group, or a campus committee. 


F .职员评议会&M is dedicated to representing all professional staff voices, leveraging the diversity of staff talents and ideas and recognizing the important contributions of staff across the campus community.


学院委员会 is the faculty’s elected legislative body that sets the agenda for faculty meetings and conducts the faculty’s business either directly or through appointed 委员会,任命许多委员会.


F&M focuses on faculty development and is specifically dedicated to offering pedagogical and scholarly support as well as building community through 非正式的互动.


We’re committed to advancing the scholarly and creative pursuits of our faculty and 学生. 那些着手新项目的人可以求助于F&M的赞助研究办公室 for support navigating and facilitating sponsored funding opportunities from internal sources as well as federal, state, and non-profit organizations.

American Association of University Professors (AAUP)

F&M chapter of the AAUP seeks to promote best practices in higher education on a range of topics including academic freedom, teaching and research, compensation, contingent faculty, diversity, ethics, workload, family/life balance, and other 问题.


F&M understands that its faculty and professional staff thrive with the right resources 支持小组. Among those are The People of Color Alliance, the Queer+Trans Alliance和DisabilityFPS.



F&M’s 人力资源 team works closely to serve you. 每个成员都擅长于 a particular function, but if you’re not sure where to turn, you can email the entire hr@fandm团队.edu. Someone will respond and point you in the right direction. 


富兰克林 & PG电子 is committed to having an inclusive campus community where 所有成员都受到尊严和尊重. 作为提供平等机会的雇主, the College does not discriminate in its hiring or employment practices on the basis of gender/gender-identity, sex, race or ethnicity, color, national origin, religion, age, disability, veteran's status, genetic information, family or marital status, 性取向,或任何其他受保护阶层.

The Hiring Manager(s) 招聘职位 will select candidates with the experience and qualifications that are best aligned with the needs of the position. 如果你知道 not receive an invitation to interview, it means that your application was not selected and you are not being considered as a potential candidate for the position. 

富兰克林 & PG电子 is fortunate to receive a large number of applications 招聘职位. Due to the number of applications received, we regret that we are unable to respond to status inquiries regarding whether a position has been filled or send position closing notifications to all applicants. 

如果您是复读申请人,请填写 登录你的账户. If you were directed here from an online job board and you don't see the position you expect, it means that, unfortunately, we are no longer accepting applications 对于这个职位. Please return often to see our current opportunities.