F .中心和研究所&M

富兰克林 & 马歇尔’s students, faculty and professional staff are dedicated to affecting positive, lasting change on campus, in Lancaster, and in the world. 为此,我们 have created dedicated spaces for those changemakers to gather, develop ideas, and 围绕共同的目标建立社区. 探索这些地方,发现它们是如何增加的 value to the academic and social experiences of our students.


F&M’s 爱丽丝·德拉姆妇女中心 was established in 1992 to promote dialogue and action around women’s issues and to instill an ethos of equality and inclusion. 今天, center continues to strive toward inclusion and advocacy along the intersections of 种族,阶级,性取向,性别和残疾.


The 民意研究中心 is a full-scale survey research organization based 在F&M. With research capabilities enhanced by its relationship with F&M,中心 designs innovative and thoughtful research solutions to help organizations answer 重要的问题,做出战略性的决定.


位于富兰克林 & PG电子, the 政治与公共事务中心 (CPPA) fosters the practice of democracy through the study of politics and public 政策.


F&M’s Center for the Sustainable Environment (CSE) unites the campus community’s many interests and initiatives relating to global environmental 管理和可持续发展. 该中心协调丰富F&M通过环境的学术经历 管理和可持续发展.


F&M’s 兰开斯特持续接触中心 (CSEwL) is a hub for generating 丰富而有意义的合作&及其充满活力的家乡兰开斯特郡. By closely collaborating with faculty, the center distinctly integrates F&米的自由 arts education with community development to support new avenues of inquiry, initiatives, 以及F&M和城市和县.


Funded by grants from the Richard King Mellon Foundation and the Steinman Foundation, the 切萨皮克流域倡议(CWI) bridges social and natural sciences by studying the legacy of human impacts on floodplains within the Chesapeake Watershed and applies its findings through targeted action focused in Lancaster County, PA. 工国委的目标 to understand the effects of colonial settlement, dam construction, dam removal, and restoration through a three-fold approach of research, education, and action.


The 宾夕法尼亚大学咨询团 aims to increase the number of low-income, first-generation college, and underrepresented high school students who enter and 完成高等教育.

富兰克林 & 马歇尔全球气压计

富兰克林 & 马歇尔全球气压计包括F&全球同性恋晴雨表 Rights (GBGR (R)), the Global Barometer of Transgender Rights (GBTR (TM)) and the F&M Global Barometers LGBTQI+ Perception Index (GBPI). 这些气压计 provide groundbreaking research on the state of LGBT+ human rights in 204 countries 和地区. 成立于2010年,由政府教授. 苏珊•Dicklitch-Nelson the barometers generate annual report cards detailing the state-and societal-level protection or persecution of LGBT+ minorities worldwide.


F的心脏&M’s global community is the 约瑟夫国际中心, a campus space 致力于让F的所有成员&跨国界、跨文化的社区 和语言.




自2008年开业以来,F&克莱尔犹太人生活中心,F&希勒尔说过 致力于丰富犹太人的生活&M学生,以便他们可以反过来 丰富世界各地的犹太人.




在顶尖的文理学院中,F&M的作家之家是一座真实的房子 — complete with comfy couches, a kitchen, and a picturesque fireplace — with a mission to give the writing and reading community exciting opportunities to fully immerse 他们自己在文字和文学上.




位于F区内&M’s Steinman College Center, the 菲利普斯艺术博物馆 fosters an understanding and appreciation of the arts, including contemporary, historical, and 多元文化的材料. The museum often partners with academic departments to offer opportunities for faculty and staff to extend the walls of their classrooms and engage students in tours, object-based learning workshops, and research opportunities that draw from the museum’s permanent collection, changing exhibitions, and visiting artists.




F&M’s 威尔公民参与研究所 connects F&M有机会的学生 to learn, serve, and work in the surrounding Lancaster community. 通过直接工作 with local leaders to address community challenges, students develop a deeper understanding of societal issues and make a positive impact on Lancaster while also gaining important 专业技能.




富兰克林 & 马歇尔具有创新精神和创业精神. 我们的理念是识别挑战, 寻找机会,解决问题. 我们的社区发起了几项倡议 in recent years to pool our collective intellect and experience to demonstrably improve 我们的校园,我们的家乡,我们的世界.


证书 are supplemental educational pathways you can pursue 在F&M. 证书 are not tied to your major or minor, but are credentials you can add to your resume to demonstrate a specialized level of training and education in a particular area. F有几种证书&每一个都是创新的孵化器 exploring a new field of study that uniquely blends perspectives from multiple disciplines.


In the spirit of living up to Benjamin 富兰克林’s legacy of creating solutions in the service of the public good, F的创业&M是一个令人兴奋的项目 为创业学生开设的课程和项目.


We’re committed to serving as a leader in building a sustainable world. 我们为自己感到骄傲 on looking at every possible angle to create a more sustainable future for both the 校园与世界. Explore how we tap into current advances in sustainable ideas and technology to tangibly improve our campus and community.