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Any research involving human subjects that is supported by a federal government grant must be 审查ed by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) unless it is specifically 根据第46条获豁免进行该项覆核.联邦法规第101条, 第45篇,第46部分. 所有其他涉及人类受试者的研究,无论是资助的还是 不,也必须由内部审查委员会审查. 请参阅 研究指南:人类受试者和脊椎动物研究 了解更多信息(F&需要M登录).

The College is committed to ensuring that research involving human subjects is consistent with sound ethical principles and that it is in compliance with all applicable federal, 州和地方法规. 与研究有关的大学政策和程序涉及 人类受试者是基于结论和建议 总统隐私和行为研究小组报告, 1967年出版于 科学 155: 535-538. 所有涉及人类受试者的研究都应定期接受 审查程序.

Each department in which research involving human subjects is conducted in the context of College courses shall establish formal procedures, which will be used by the investigators to provide adequate safeguards against any infringement upon the rights and welfare 科目中. 该部门的程序必须包括一个机制,将带来 any activities that require approval of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) to the attention of the IRB, and they must assure the proper day-to-day implementation of 已批准的程序. 描述这些程序的文件应该 须提交审核委员会审批.

All research involving human subjects other than that conducted in the context of College courses must receive approval from the Institutional Review Board prior to 它的启动.

All departments in which research involving human subjects is undertaken should obtain 并要求学院成员熟悉 总统隐私和行为研究小组的报告.



In accord with procedures governing the use of human participants in research, the following types of surveys must be submitted to the Institutional Review Board for 审核批准.

    1. Any survey conducted by faculty, professional staff, or others working on behalf of 为任何学术或非学术目的.

    2. Surveys conducted by students for academic or nonacademic purposes, including surveys that are a part of a course-related 项目 (for either regularly scheduled courses or for-credit independent research 项目s) and that intend to sample respondents 大学生或员工除外.

请注意: All surveys to be done on behalf of student groups or administrative offices that involve campus life issues are to be presented to the Office of 制度研究, 然后向审查委员会提交建议调查.


A survey is used as part of an organized attempt to gather information on a set of 个人(或实体).g.为研究项目或“新闻”提供信息。 报告. These instruments may be in written or electronic form, and they may be quantitative 或定性.

在课堂上随意提问(“你们有多少人在感恩节吃了火鸡??)不是。 作为一项调查. 要求班上的学生列出他们的名字、专业和班级 年度不被视为调查. 要求班上的学生指出是否 they use illegal drugs or engage in other activities that might reasonably be considered “道德上有问题”不会被视为调查 但也可能因为其他原因被认为是不合适的.

A series of interviews or oral histories, which may or may not be referred to as a survey, generally requires at least the same protocols for human subjects approval 其他形式的调查也是如此.

An 加快审查 will occur if the Associate Dean of the Faculty judges that there are no substantive 对人类主题的关注. 在这种情况下,它们将表示有条件的 or unconditional approval (with comments and/or suggestions in the former case) without a的必要性 完整的 IRB审查.

If 调查 asks respondents about illegal activities or other attitudes or behaviors that might reasonably be considered personal and confidential, or if the respondents 将包括未成年人,是否应该进行全面的IRB审查. 全面审查也将进行, 当然,如果有任何其他关于调查的实质性问题,包括它的影响 受访者都在场.

If the research is funded by a government agency, the 项目 must be 审查ed and 由书院院校检讨委员会批准.


Surveys done by students as a course 项目 or for-credit independent study that intend to survey only College students and/or employees require only departmental 审核批准.

学术 departments should have a departmental panel and 审查 process for the evaluation 这些工具. 在这种情况下,专家组的批准将意味着该文书 is 免除 从IRB人类受试者审批的要求. 如果不存在这样的面板,或者 if the panel determines that a more complete 审查 is required, 调查 will be 提交给学院副院长,他将提供一份 加快 覆核或将文书送交税务审核委员会审核 完整的 审查.


请注意: Web-based surveys include those conducted via e-mail or other electronic communication 媒体.

In addition to the human subjects approvals described above, any survey that involves the use of Web-based software in its administration must also be approved by the Office of 制度研究 (perhaps in consultation with other parties; see below). Such approval should be requested at least two weeks prior to the administration of 调查.

This provision exists to protect against the possibility of "over-surveying" of the 校园社区或资讯科技相关的困难(i.e.,“堵塞” (校园网).


优先级将从两个方面进行评估. 第一,优先开展调查工作 for which the use of Web-based software provides a meaningful and important advantage 用于收集、分析和使用结果信息.

Second, priority will be given to Web-based surveys based upon purpose as follows:

    1. Those conducted on behalf of the institution as a whole as part of its information 收集、战略规划或评估相关活动(如.g.全国调查 (学生参与).

    2. 那些是教员学术活动的组成部分.

    3. Those that are a component of an individual student's for-credit independent research 项目.

For surveys that relate to a faculty member's scholarship or to an individual student's independent research 项目, the Office of 制度研究 will consult with 向院校审查委员会征求意见.

Approval of a Web-based survey may be conditional on limitations to the number and 将构成受访者样本的学生(或其他人)的范围.

注意: These guidelines do not apply to surveys conducted by the Center for Opinion 研究 as part of its normal activities, unless 调查 has specifically been arranged on behalf of a faculty or professional staff member, student, other individual(s) 代表学院或行政办公室工作,告知其工作. 程序 关于意见研究中心的问题在其他地方讨论.

General approval of an earlier version by Committee on Grants (April 11, 2005) and Campus Life Assessment Group (April 19, 2005), endorsed by Senior 工作人员 (November (2005年11月11日)及教务委员会会议(2006年11月9日).
