通信 & 媒体关系政策


富兰克林 & PG电子 encourages members of the news media to share news about 我们丰富的学术和活跃的BG电子. 因为F&M是一家私人机构,员工 members in our Office of 通信 are available to help facilitate access to 可能无法通过在线资源获得的信息. 我们也承诺 to working with news media to facilitate access to our faculty, professional staff and students with minimal disruption to the core functions of the College, and with consideration to the right to privacy of members of our campus community.

All members of the news media interested in capturing images or conducting interviews on College property should visit the Office of 通信 to receive appropriate 抵达校园后的证件. 而学院的主要学术校园 和其他F&M-owned properties are not public facilities, the College seeks to respond to community needs and the needs of the general public by sharing its resources and 在适当和可能的情况下使用设施.

The College is committed to working with news media while remaining sensitive to the 学院成立的主要教育目的. 我们也保持 注意学院社区所有成员的安全.

Please note the following policy guidance to ensure ease of engagement with members F的&M校园社区:


Members of the news media must obtain written permission to capture photographic imagery, 富兰克林号成员的视频或音频 & 马歇尔社区. 新闻机构 被要求尊重富兰克林的权利 & PG电子的学生、教师和 professional staff to decline to be interviewed or photographed in a way that they 是可识别的.

The exception is events advertised as open to the public for which there is no expectation 出席者的隐私.

News media are not permitted to enter classrooms without first making a request through the Office of 通信 and securing advance permission from the instructor. News media are not permitted to enter occupied residential living areas at any time. Residences are our students' "homes" while they are on campus, and while a student may wish to grant individual permission to a reporter to enter his or her room, that student is not able to grant permission on behalf of all the students living in that 住宅设施.


富兰克林 & PG电子 meetings, activities and events on campus are considered 私人的:除非特别指定为“对公众开放”,否则属于私人的.印刷记者 may attend events designated as open to the public, though registration may be required 对于一些活动,当座位预计是额外的. 广播媒体可能需要 要确保单独的权限. 学院将尽一切努力作出回应 to media requests to attend public events, but may be bound by certain limitations imposed by invited guests with an interest in protecting intellectual property, or 与会者可能有隐私问题.

它适合F&我的办公室组织和主持每一个活动,而不是 invited speaker or guest, to manage any media relations or outreach to news media 关于校园举办的活动. 这使学院能够作出适当的反应 to any questions about the venue, and to represent accurately the details and purpose 事件的. Members of the news media should consult directly with the College through the Office of 通信 regarding information about guest speakers and events 在校园内举行.


For events requiring enhanced security measures, reporters who have not registered in advance likely will not be permitted entry at the time 事件的. 同时,为 events with designated press seating, reporters and photographers will likely be asked 除非得到F&M人员管理事件,或由 事先与活动主办方协商安排&M通信.

While on campus, any individual attending an event designated as "open to the public" must adhere to all College rules of conduct, all rules and conditions proscribed for 那件事,以及州和联邦法律. 经授权的公众人士 to attend events that are designated as "open to the public" are authorized to attend 这个事件. No authorization is given to enter any building other than the building where the event is scheduled to occur, and members of the public should never interfere 在校园内骚扰或扰乱学院社区的任何成员.

In instances in which the College makes any of its facilities available for use by any other group or organization, the group or organization may impose additional limits 以及对参加被赞助活动的限制. 学院应有 对外部活动赞助商的行为不承担任何责任.


富兰克林 & PG电子 encourages news organizations and not-for-profit entities 复制和传播F&M新闻. 这包括新闻 media organizations, schools and educational institutions, foundations, grant-making 机构和政府组织.

这些实体可以链接到或复制富兰克林的完整版本 & PG电子新闻 故事包括以下信用信息.

  • When the writer's byline is embedded in the story or copied as part of the reproduced content, the following credit should appear with the story: [Name of Writer], courtesy 富兰克林 & PG电子

  • When a writer's byline is removed from the story, the following credit should appear 转载内容:新闻由富兰克林提供 & PG电子

富兰克林的使用 & PG电子在外部机构宣传材料中的名称

富兰克林 & PG电子 requires review of the uses of its name in any news releases or other promotional materials when the name of the College is used other than for 新闻、研究或记录目的. 营利实体不隶属于 College -- such as technology firms, vendors, architects, contractors, marketing professionals, and other service providers -- must consult with the College regarding guidelines 供富兰克林使用 & 马歇尔的名字时,包括参考机构 or its likeness in information intended for electronic or printed publication or dissemination 作推广用途.

In addition to news releases, this includes use of the College's name in websites, 宣传册、作品集、案例研究、软文等. 请参阅学院的 使用名字的完整指南.

Policy Maintained by: Office of 通信, Vice President for 通信