通信 & 媒体关系政策


富兰克林补助金 & PG电子既反映了对学院的信心,也反映了对学生的信心 对未来的承诺. 重要的是要适当地认识到他们.

The Office of 通信 supports the College's grant-winning efforts in ways 这与新闻实践和正确的新闻判断是一致的. 在做 so, the office considers the needs of the College, the wishes of the foundation, corporation or governmental agency awarding 授予(s), and the standards and practices of the 媒体.

Successful grant announcements publicize an important College activity and communicate 在尊重资助者希望得到认可的同时,直接面向关键选区 and recognizing that good corporate, foundation and government relations, essential to the College's success, must be accompanied by effective communications and professional 媒体关系.

Publicizing a grant that has not been properly documented and recorded or without fully understanding possible complexities regarding 授予 agreement can adversely 影响资助机构和学院.

To support the College's grant-winning objectives, 通信 will write and release news of grants in accordance with the following guidelines, which have been approved 由学院院长主持. 这些准则也适用于出现的内容 on College websites and in print publications, email messages and newsletters, speeches, F .使用的演示文稿和其他通信工具&M项目、部门 和办公室.


  1. Public announcement of a grant must be approved in principle by the appropriate Associate Provost and/or the Associate Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations and/or 学院资助高级主任和学术发展助理院长. 未经上述单位同意,本公司将不作任何公告.

  2. 通信 will consider approaching the 媒体 with any grant that might be viewed 被媒体认为有新闻价值. 补助金最有可能吸引媒体的兴趣,如果 they are large in size (generally $100,000 or more) or if they are associated with 新的或创新的程序或设施. 这些公告一般都会发布 by the president of the College, but other officers may be asked to serve as spokesperson 在适当的时候. 教师、学生和/或授予人可能会被要求发表评论.

  3. Announcements may be made of grants of less than $100,000 at the request of the President, or if the Vice President for 通信 believes 授予 is likely to attract 媒体 interest because of its unusual or local source, nature or circumstances or because it funds innovative programs or facilities that may in themselves be newsworthy.

  4. 补助金的公告必须包括所涉及的货币价值.

  5. A large grant may be newsworthy even if the foundation prefers to remain anonymous, but no grant of unspecified amount is newsworthy, no matter who 授予or is; announcing a grant that does not contain this basic fact damages the credibility of both the 机构与捐赠人.

  6. Before any grant is announced, the College must have in hand one of the following:

    • 一张全额支票或第一次分期付款

    • 资助者的正式承诺书或通知

    • 一份完全执行的授予协议


  1. The News Editor and Media Relations Liaison will prepare a grant announcement in consultation with the Associate Provost and/or the Associate Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations and/or the Senior Director of College Grants and Assistant Dean of Academic Advancement, who will confirm as appropriate that 授予 has been properly documented 并将讨论赠款协议或F&M的宣布能力 授予.

  2. Once the responsible staff member(s) has notified the foundation or government agency of the College's desire to publicize 授予, and 授予or has consented to that publicity, the News Editor and Media Relations Liaison will ask 授予or for a 引用或评论将包括在公告中. 授予人的引用是可选的, and an announcement may be issued without one if 授予or has no objections to 关于礼物的其他信息的发布.

  3. The News Editor and Media Relations Liaison is responsible for determining what internal approvals of the announcement draft and quotations are necessary, as well as for suggesting 宣布的时机. 新闻编辑和媒体关系联络员也将 obtain all necessary approvals, and coordinate with the Associate Vice President for 通信 on final editing, scheduling, and distribution plans for all announcements. 如有实质性改变,将要求有关各方提供 额外的审查. 不得向基金会或政府机构提交任何草案 审查,直到所有的F&涉及的M方 在这个过程中.

  4. After the draft has received approval within the campus, the News Editor and Media Relations Liaison will send the draft to the foundation or government agency for approval. If any significant changes are proposed by 授予or, final decisions about the content and timing of the announcement will be made by the Vice President for 通信. F&M will respect the wishes of a grantor who asks to remain anonymous or who prefers not to be quoted, but who has no objections to the release of other information about 授予.

  5. No announcement of a grant will occur until the steps outlined above have been completed. Generally, the announcement will be made first to the campus community by email, although 通信 may allow a single news outlet, generally the Lancaster newspaper, 提前几个小时宣布这个消息. 继校园公告后,学院 将在选定的媒体和官方的富兰克林 & 马歇尔媒体 《BG电子》,富兰克林著 & 马歇尔杂志,F&M标题等.), F&米的学生 会被鼓励在《BG电子》上发表关于这项资助的报道吗.

  6. F .不作公告&M部门网站,通讯,电子邮件, on social networks or microblogs, or by outside sites and newsletters, until the College 它自己已经宣布了这个消息. 学院院长拥有最终权力 responsibility for determining the official dissemination of all news from 富兰克林 & PG电子. 总统已经授权对内容,准确性, timeliness, completeness and professionalism of communications with the 媒体 to the Vice President for 通信, who in turn has delegated that day-to-day responsibility 给新闻编辑和媒体关系联络员.

Policy Maintained by: Office of 通信, Vice President for 通信