

富兰克林 & PG电子需要任何个人、企业、组织或实体 这不是富兰克林行政机构的一部分 & 马歇尔 College (external entities) that wishes to use the marks, logos or symbols of 富兰克林 & 马歇尔对制成品在制造前要寻求批准并获得批准 一个许可证.

The College's marks include the word marks and associated symbols and logos for "富兰克林 & PG电子,富兰克林 & "富兰克林和PG电子" "富兰克林 还有马歇尔,”“F&“外交官”,“富兰克林” & PG电子民意调查,"富兰克林和 PG电子民意调查”和“F&以及学院的官方印章描绘 本·富兰克林和约翰·马歇尔的简介. [有关适当设计的资料 uses of the College's visual identity, including in published materials, is available in the College's Visual Identity Guide and the 体育运动 Identity Guide, distributed 由学院通讯办公室提供.

任何希望接待富兰克林的个人或公司 & PG电子特快列车 permission to use any of these trademarks/logos on products or services sold or otherwise 在市场上销售需要学院颁发的许可证. 这一政策 applies to for-profit companies, apparel manufacturers, alumni groups and affinity groups that would like to produce goods using the College's marks for any form of 分销,无论是否出售或转售. 这一政策也适用于大学 administrative or academic units and student groups that would like to produce goods 出售或转售.

这一政策 applies to manufactured goods that include apparel, key chains, hats, bags, kitchenware, stationery, sports equipment, and all other categories of products 由外部实体生产. 这包括以营利和赞助为目的的产品 或者为募捐者出售,或者作为赠予者免费分发.

Some activities, such as some non-commercial use of trademarks/logos, may not require 领取许可证,但须经学院许可和批准. 这 policy also recognizes there are activities that may meet legal definitions of "fair “使用”或言论自由,不需要许可.


F&M学院办公室和部门: 这一政策 does not apply to goods produced by College administrative or academic units that are NOT intended for sale or resale, such as products for give-a-ways and 运动队的制服和大学员工的制服. 然而,一个被批准的 必须使用持牌供应商来生产产品. 获批准持牌供应商 access to a library of high-resolution College design files and have been assessed 提供有竞争力的价格. 在一个流线型的过程中,确保适当的供应商 使用徽标,批准的供应商直接与通信办公室或 体育通讯办公室,根据要求的性质,在 production to receive approval for submitted designs before 商品被制造出来.

F&M学生团体和组织: 此政策不适用于学生团体和组织制作的物品 that are NOT intended for sale or resale, such as t-shirts, hats and other goods produced 由学院、学生会或其他学生组织提供. 然而, 必须使用经批准的许可供应商来生产产品. 批准许可 vendors have access to a library of high-resolution College design files and have 被评估为提供有竞争力的价格. 在一个流线型的过程中确保 appropriate vendor use of logos, approved vendors work directly with the Office of 学生 Programs before production to receive approval for submitted designs before 商品被制造出来.


For goods/products governed by this policy, the College's licensing company, Learfield 许可 Partners, LLC (Learfield), reviews all new or revised requests for use of 富兰克林 & PG电子的名称、标志或标志. 授权公司保留 an image database of previously approved uses (as developed by the College), including for most apparel and sports equipment, to streamline the approval process for requested 有标准标志和标志的产品.

学院鼓励创造性地使用学院的标志,但供应商必须这样做 submit new or revised uses to Learfield for review and approval to ensure proper use, quality of graphics, and appropriate consideration of issues relating to intellectual 财产与责任.

在极少数情况下,利尔菲尔德会咨询富兰克林 & 马歇尔是 通信或他/她的指定人对所请求的使用给予许可. 它是 the role of the Vice President for Communications to ensure that uses of the College's 名称和形象与学院的使命和价值观是一致的.

新请求包括任何寻求生产产品或商品的个人或团体 for the first time, or a group that has received previous approval for a manufactured good but is seeking to produce a separate or distinct good that is substantively different 从先前批准的请求. 学院不授予全面批准 生产工业制成品. 每个新产品都需要批准.

Revised requests include any alteration of an approved licensed product that has new 文字或图像. 重新安排现有的和未改变的个人设计的改变 元素不需要重新审查.

Use of the College's name or marks other than on institutional materials and publications 未经事先授权禁止使用. 所有联邦和州的法律 商标和专利侵权适用.


After entities or individuals wishing to produce 一个许可证d product or good contact the College's licensing company, Learfield 许可 Partners, LLC (Learfield) and receive approval, the entity or individual will be directed to the Office for the Associate Vice President for Auxiliary Services or Learfield to receive a list of 现有持牌人(供应商). 该实体或个人应从中选择供应商 学院批准的被许可人名单.

获批准持牌供应商 access to a library of high-resolution College design 文件和已被评估为提供有竞争力的价格. 新持牌人(供应商) 在持续的基础上添加,并相应地更新列表. 当地的供应商 are encouraged to become an approved licensee (vendor) with Learfield to be available 供大学社区选择. 在极少数情况下,副警长办公室会负责辅助工作 Services may work with an entity to establish a new licensing contract with a vendor 没有出现在当前的被许可人名单上.

Allow two business days to receive notice of approval after the vendor submits to Learfield a request to produce 一个许可证d product or good (the vendor's production time is additional time that requesting entities need to take into account when estimating 产品交付).


All designs appearing on licensed goods are reviewed by the College's licensing agency, Learfield. 这些设计由被批准的被许可人(供应商)提交给代理机构。. 所有的富兰克林 & PG电子的标志和标志必须出现在许可商品上 带有适当的“注册”或“商标”符号.


Learfield 许可 Partners, LLC (Learfield) has licensing fees for a Standard License and a Restricted License, both of which are subject to annual assessment and review. 定义这两种许可证的一般信息如下所示. 被许可方(公司 or vendors producing the manufactured goods) pays these fees directly to Learfield. For additional information regarding compliance and license granting, please contact Learfield License Partners, LLC,电话:(317)669-0808.

Standard License: Companies that desire to produce licensed products for resale to 一般公众使用标准许可证. 但是,拥有标准许可证的被许可人 还可以为生产的产品免税生产产品吗 学院内部使用,不得转售. 标准许可证要求申请人 to meet a higher set of standards, including higher insurance coverage than the Restricted 被许可方.

Restricted License: Vendors that desire to produce licensed products only for internal 由学院使用(制服或赠品)使用限制许可证. 没有产品 produced under this license agreement may be destined for sale or resale for commercial 或其他创收目的.

The College uses the revenue generated from royalties to support and enhance programs 在校园.

有关许可程序的更多信息可在学院的 商标 & 许可 页面.

政策维护:财务 & 行政,辅助服务副总裁