
首页 / 大学政策 / 人力资源政策 / 员工关系政策 / 富兰克林 & 马歇尔-行为准则政策


学院社区的所有成员都应该善待同事和学生 with dignity and respect, and to exercise care and good faith in the performance of 工作职责. 教师和专业人员应该相互交流,并与 students in a professional, respectful manner, with the highest regard for each other's 安全和福祉. 富兰克林时代的公民身份 & 马歇尔社区需要尊重 for the dignity and rights of each individual, respect for public and personal property, 个人和学术诚信.

The standards of conduct described below outline what is expected of each member of 学院的教师和专业人员. 每个学院员工都有责任 使他/她熟悉不可接受的行为类型,例如 下面所列.

当发生违反行为准则的情况时,对事实和情况进行调查 案件将被考虑,以确定适当的行动. 纠正的目的 行动是改变不可接受的工作场所行为,提高工作绩效, 为了保持每个人都能享受的高效工作环境. 通常, a progressive corrective action process is followed in an effort to improve performance. Corrective action may include referral to 学院's Employee Assistance Program 供应商,视情况而定. 在某些情况下,立即终止 雇佣是有保证的.


富兰克林 & 马歇尔 is an "at-will" employer; employees may terminate their employment with 学院 at any time, and 学院 may terminate employment and compensation and benefits at any time, with or without cause or notice, in compliance with Pennsylvania 联邦法律.

有关教师成员的其他信息可在 教师手册.


以下是不正当行为的部分清单,当有不正当行为时,应当 constitute grounds for corrective action, up to and including immediate termination 的就业.

  • Dishonesty, including any falsification or misrepresentation such as knowingly providing incomplete, misleading, or incorrect information in connection with the preparation 富兰克林的后代 & PG电子的文件、报告或记录. 伪造或失实陈述 作为申请学院工作的理由 立即出院. 伪造考勤表将被立即开除. 在知情的情况下,为不符合条件的受抚养人登记附带福利应是 立即解雇的理由.

  • Stealing or sabotage of equipment, tools, and/or other property belonging to any employee, 学生,或学院.

  • Willful damage, abuse, or destruction of College 财产或他人的财产.

  • Unauthorized possession, sale, or use of intoxicating beverages or drugs on College 财产,和/或在醉酒饮料的影响下报告工作 或其他违反学院关于酒精和毒品政策的行为.

  • 未经授权使用、拥有、运输或储存任何枪支、爆炸物; 或其他危险武器,包括停车场. 武器包括, but are not limited to, handguns, rifles, shotguns, and other firearms; air guns, pellet guns, and BB guns; axes and knives of any kind other than eating utensils; 射箭器材(书院拥有或使用的器材除外 the course of instructional programs); fireworks; and any martial arts or security 具有危险性质的设备.

  • Insubordination, including refusal to perform work as required by a supervisor, and/or 与主管的不适当谈话或对主管的不当行为.

  • Verbal or physical harassment or intimidation of a co-worker, student, supervisor, or other member of 学院 community, including violation of 学院's Anti-harassment 政策.

  • 对某人使用亵渎、辱骂、粗俗或威胁的语言或手势 员工、学生、主管或学院社区的其他成员.

  • Fighting, striking, coercing, interfering with, or threatening bodily injury to an 员工、学生、主管或学院社区的其他成员.

  • 任何形式的赌博,包括但不限于博彩或数字书写.

  • 不专业的行为,不道德或不道德的行为,和/或猥亵.

  • Conviction for a felony or misdemeanor crime relevant to the employee's position at 学院.

  • Any act which may endanger the safety of others; engaging in horseplay, carelessness, 鲁莽或不安全的工作场所行为.

  • 故意、故意或反复违反学校安全规定.

  • Causing damage to, defacement, or destruction of building, equipment or other College 财产或他人的财产.

  • 未经授权或无合理理由离校.

  • Leaving the work area during normal working hours without properly notifying one's 直接主管.

  • 在病假期间从事其他工作 & 病假, 或其他未经学院批准的带薪或无薪假期.

  • 违反学院的 利益冲突政策包括与富兰克林家的人发生浪漫或性关系 & 马歇尔 学生,或者,对于主管来说,与他/她所监督的人,即使是双方自愿的.

  • 向未经授权人士披露学院机密资料.

  • 此外,任何其他行为,或不满意的工作表现,这是一个 serious nature and which, in the sole opinion of 学院, makes the employee unfit 继续服役,并被开除.

The following is a partial list of improper conduct which, when engaged in, will generally 在采取更严厉的纠正措施之前,导致警告. 然而,直接 discharge may result in some cases if, in the opinion of 学院, it is warranted 根据员工的工作记录.

  • 工作表现不理想.

  • 过度迟到或旷工,和/或不适当使用带薪病假或 其他带薪假期.

  • Failure to report to work upon expiration of vacation, holiday, or a leave of absence.

  • Failure to observe department work hour schedules, starting times, quitting times, 和/或休息和用餐时间,包括未经授权的工作时间.

  • 未及时提交工时表(伪造工时表)可能导致 直接放电).

  • 睡觉,与工作无关的阅读或使用电脑,或其他滥用时间期间 指定工作时间.

  • Performing unauthorized, personal, and/or non-College related work during normal working hours; using College supplies or equipment for personal business; and/or using the 个人业务的学校地址.

  • 故意干扰员工履行职责.

  • Posting, writing on, or defacing bulletin boards, walls, equipment or other material, 或更改或删除通知.

  • Improper or unauthorized solicitation or distribution of information on College premises 在工作时间.

  • 在禁区吸烟及其他违反学院吸烟规定的行为.

  • 不卫生的造成或促成不卫生的或糟糕的家政条件的.

  • 违章驾驶或在学校内不适当停车.

  • 以不安全或粗心的方式工作和/或过度的工伤.

  • 未按规定报告工伤情况.

  • Any other conduct which, in the sole opinion of 学院, violates a College policy, impacts one's ability to effectively perform his/her work, and/or violates the standards 学院可以合理地期望员工.


  • Members of the staff are expected to maintain a professional appearance during working 小时,适合于商业环境. 专业人员被要求克制 from wearing jeans, shorts, mini-skirts, "flip flops", and other such casual attire 在学校工作或参加商务会议时. 专业人员也 鼓励不要在工作期间使用浓烈的香水或古龙水.

  • 教师和专业人员应该相互交流,并与 students in a professional, respectful manner, with the highest regard for each other's safety 和幸福.

  • Employees must receive approval from the Associate Vice President, Human 资源, before providing any employment-related recommendation or reference on behalf of the 现在或以前的富兰克林大学 & 马歇尔员工(包括社交) 社交网站).

  • 教师和专业人员应遵守 富兰克林 & 马歇尔COVID-19员工承诺.


Faculty and professional staff, including supervisory employees, are expected to use good judgment if interacting with students or colleagues via social networking websites, 如果在这些网站或网站上发布有关学院或其就业的信息 博客.

  • A member of the faculty or professional staff is not to post any financial, confidential, 富兰克林的敏感或专有信息 & 马歇尔或其学生,准 students, employees, alumni, donors, or Trustees, unless doing so is within the scope of his/her 工作职责 and the 适当高级主任 has provided advance approval.

  • Employees are asked to refrain from posting derogatory, untrue, or inflammatory comments about students, prospective students, colleagues or former colleagues, alumni, donors, 和受托人.

  • 员工不应该发信息 代表富兰克林 & PG电子 除非这样做是在他们的工作职责范围内,并得到授权 适当高级主任.

  • 雇员不得提供雇佣介绍信; 代表学院,现任或前任富兰克林 & 马歇尔的员工.

  • Employees are expected to refrain from personal use of social networking sites during 他们的工作时间.

部门经理可以建立额外的指导方针和预期标准 适用于其办公室或部门的行为. 这些指导方针将予以审查 in advance with the Associate Vice President or Associate/Assistant Director, Human 资源.

For those employees engaging in contractual work for 学院 through a state or federal agency, the individual is expected to abide not only by 学院's policies but also any policies required by the outside funding agency, including, but not limited to, 宾夕法尼亚州的承包商诚信条款.
