

富兰克林的前成员 & 马歇尔的专业工作人员欢迎申请 广告,他们有资格的空缺职位. 前雇员会 be evaluated based on the same criteria used to evaluate other applicants, 和 his/her entire record of prior employment with the College will be considered.

A former staff member dismissed for misconduct 和/or unsatisfactory work performance 不符合重新雇用的资格.


健康和牙科计划—A former employee appointed to a full-time position with the College will be eligible for health 和 dental coverage, per st和ard College policies, as of the first of the month coinciding with or following appointment to a full-time position.

人寿保险计划-- A former employee appointed to a full-time position with the College will be eligible for life insurance coverage, per st和ard College policies, as of the first day he/she 被任命为全职工作.

长期残疾计划—— If a former full-time College employee is rehired, in a full-time capacity, within 离职日期前12个月; 这个人之前是通过富兰克林保险的 & 马歇尔长期残疾 Plan, he/she will again be eligible for long-term disability coverage as of the first 在重新任命之前或之后的一个月的.

If a former employee returns following a break in service of greater than 12 months, the st和ard long-term disability benefit waiting period will apply, 和 eligibility 会否以新的全职聘任日期为准. 学院目前豁免 the waiting period if a new employee was covered through his/her previous employer's group long-term disability plan immediately prior to appointment with 富兰克林 & 马歇尔; this provision will apply to former employees who are re-hired.

退休计划—— 以前收到过 College-funded contribution to the Retirement Plan will again be eligible to receive a College contribution, if re-appointed to a full-time position or part-time position authorized to work more 每年超过1000小时. 前退休计划参加者将有资格 receive a College-funded contribution effective as of the date of re-appointment to 全职或合格的兼职工作.

Former employees will be eligible for a College contribution equal to 10% of base 按计划文件计算的工资. 然而,前雇员将有资格获得学院 contribution equal to 12% of base salary if: (a) he/she is appointed to a full-time position or eligible part-time position within 5 years (60 months) of his/her prior 终止日期, (b) he/she was receiving a 15% College contribution to the Retirement Plan as of 终止日期.

If a former employee was not receiving a College-funded contribution to the Retirement Plan as of the prior 终止日期, all prior College employment will be disregarded 在重新雇用. Normal Retirement Plan waiting periods 和 程序 will apply, as 如退休计划文件所述.

(For purposes of the Retirement Plan, a "break in service" occurs when an employee fails to complete at least 500 hours of service for wages during a 12 month period.)

退休健康计划—前雇员会 be eligible for College-funded contributions to an Emeriti Health Account upon re-任命一个合适的职位, per st和ard Emeriti Plan 程序. An employee who was eligible for College-funded contributions prior to a break in service, 和 who returns to an eligible position with 富兰克林 & 马歇尔 within 5 years (60 months) will: (1) be credited with prior years of eligible College employment completed after age 40 for purposes of vesting, per Emeriti Plan documents, 和 (2) will have his/her prior Emeriti Health Account balance restored as described 平面图文件.

受养人教育资助津贴 前全职员工 College employee will be credited with his/her prior full years 富兰克林的全职工作 & 马歇尔在确定资格时 为家属提供教育福利. 其他标准政策也将适用.

灵活支出账户计划— An employee re-hired to a full-time position will be eligible to participate in the 灵活支出账户计划 on the first of the month coinciding with or following 任命一个合适的职位.

带薪病假— An employee appointed to a full-time position will be eligible for short-term paid sick leave per st和ard policies for faculty 和 professional staff. 前全职员工 employee re-appointed to a full-time position within 12 months of the prior termination date will have his/her extended sick leave balance restored upon re-appointment.

带薪休假时间和带薪事假时间— 前全职员工 College employee will be credited with his/her prior full-time 富兰克林的工作 & 马歇尔在确定带薪休假资格时 时间,以及非豁免员工的带薪个人时间.

其他福利和计划— Former full-time employees who are re-appointed to full-time positions within 12 months of the prior termination date will generally be eligible to participate in benefit plans 和 programs for which they were previously eligible without waiting 期间,除了上面提到的. 一般适用标准的轮候期 former employees re-appointed after a 12 month or more break in service.

以前的兼职工作-- Benefits eligibility for a former part-time College employee who is appointed to a full-time position will be determined based on his/her full-time employment date. The College does provide some credit for prior part-time service when determining eligibility for education assistance benefits for dependents 和 paid vacation days, 如政策文件所述.

Policy Maintained by: Human Resources, Associate Vice President