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Mobile and Remote Device Policy

I. Justification and Statement of Policy

This document defines Franklin & Marshall College's policy for the secure use of mobile 和远程设备访问的任何信息资源拥有或管理的 College.

移动和远程设备是学院的重要工具,他们的使用得到支持 to advance our academic mission. However, mobile and remote devices also represent a significant risk to information security and data security. If appropriate security 应用程序和程序不适用,移动和远程设备可以作为 一个未经授权访问机构数据和IT基础设施的渠道 这可能导致数据泄露和系统感染.

只要可行,该政策的要素将通过中央管理来实施 technological controls. Franklin & Marshall College may request proof of compliance 向移动或远程设备的任何用户询问任何不能自动解决的策略问题 managed or enforced.

II. Scope

Franklin & PG电子的教职员工、学生、学生雇员和志愿者 谁使用移动或远程设备对所有机构数据负责 通过该设备存储、处理和/或传输,并遵循安全规定 requirements set forth in this policy. Any device that does not meet the requirements 不得使用本政策中规定的访问或存储任何学院数据 is classified as Sensitive or Confidential.

III. Definitions

用户:任何教师、职员、学生、学生雇员、志愿者或上述代理人 谁使用流动装置或远端装置接驳自有的非公开资讯系统 or managed by the College.

敏感数据是机构信息,由于专有,必须加以保护。 ethical, privacy, or business process considerations. Sensitive data must be protected 禁止未经授权的访问、修改、传输、存储或释放.

机密数据是受政府法规保护的机构信息, 法规、行业法规、合同义务或具体的学院政策. 管理员和数据管理员可以指定机构数据的其他类型 as confidential.


移动设备:任何易于运输和通信的电子设备 wireless technology (cellular services, Wi-Fi, etc.), and is used to access College 信息系统或存储敏感或机密信息. Examples include: laptops, smartphones, and tablets.

远程设备:没有物理连接的任何独立的计算或存储设备 at the Franklin & 即PG电子校园内用来存取或储存敏感物品的地方 or confidential information. Examples include: personal home computers, College-owned 笔记本电脑、CD/DVD媒体光盘、便携式硬盘驱动器和闪存驱动器.

就本政策而言,设备并不局限于公司拥有的设备 College. Furthermore, a device can be both mobile and remote (i.e., a College-owned laptop that is used on campus and from home).

IV. Policy

Required Device Configurations and Capabilities

Configurations for Mobile Devices


  • 将设备配置为需要密码、生物识别标识符、PIN或滑动手势 to be entered before local access to the device is granted. All passwords must meet 在学院的密码政策中列出的密码要求.

  • 启用屏幕锁定或类似机制来要求密码、PIN或滑动手势 to be entered after an idle time of at most five minutes.

  • 启用设备的自动擦除功能,以便在一系列不再发生后发生 than ten unsuccessful attempts to unlock the device.

  • 使用远程擦除服务注册设备,以允许丢失或被盗的设备进行擦除 be securely erased.

Configurations for Remote Devices


  • 配置操作系统自动下载和安装系统补丁 and updates.

  • 确保已安装资讯科技服务(ITS)认可的防病毒软件包 已安装、可运行并配置为自动下载和安装签名 updates.

Encryption of Data in Transit

敏感和机密信息必须在传输过程中加密 F&M network to any device. Transit encryption services will be provided by the institution 或适当的软件供应商,和/或使用安全的虚拟专用 Network (VPN) connection.

Encryption of Data at Rest

除非在设备上被主动查看,否则机密信息必须完全保密 时间将通过该机构批准的机制在该设备上加密.

Approved encryption mechanisms include:

  • Microsoft BitLocker (Windows)

  • File Vault (Apple OSX)

  • TrueCrypt (multi-platform)

  • Built in encryption provided by the device manufacturer

User Responsibilities

Required Actions for Lost or Stolen Devices

一旦确定设备已经丢失或被盗,设备所有者必须尽快 as possible:

  1. 向ITS服务台和其他适当的办公室报告丢失或被盗.

  2. 与ITS帮助台一起,调用远程擦除功能以安全地 erase the contents of the device.

  3. Reset his or her College account password(s).

Required Actions for Decommissioned Devices

在移动设备被出售、交易或回收的情况下,主要的 用户必须安全地删除设备的内容,而它仍然在他或她 possession.

Backups and Encryption

除非在学院拥有的设备上预先配置,否则由用户负责 for performing periodic backups of their mobile devices. Mobile devices are easily lost and frequently stolen, so periodic backups are important.

创建的备份文件保留相同的数据分类(敏感或机密) 作为原始数据,并且必须使用章节中所述的批准介质进行存储 Encryption of Data at Rest.

所有用于文件和文件系统加密的密码必须满足复杂度要求 described in the College's Password Policy.

Prohibited User Actions

Bypassing Security Mechanisms

在很多情况下,发给用户的大学自有设备都是预先配置好的 to adhere to the standards described in this policy. Users must not alter or defeat 这些预先配置的机制,除非得到授权人的明确指示 member of ITS.

V. Related Documents and Forms

Data Classification Policy

政策维护人员:信息技术服务部副总裁兼首席信息官 Officer
Original Effective Date: September 1, 2018
Last Reviewed: September 20, 2023