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Screening Movies on Campus Policy

I. Justification and Statement of Policy

II. Scope

Any employee, student, or club wanting to screen a movie on campus.

III. Definitions
IV. Policy

Classroom Screenings

课堂放映可能属于公平下的面对面教学例外 Use Guidelines if certain principles are met:

  • The instructor/TA is present for the screening.

  • The film is only shown to those students enrolled in the class.

  • 影片或录像与课程之间的关系是明确的.

  • The film is not being shown for recreation or entertainment.

放映必须是合法制作(非盗版或非法复制)的副本 该视频不得向学生以外的观众公开或宣布 in the class.

Group Screenings

决定一部电影是否可以在校园里(教室外)放映的几个原则 without a public performance license. First, only screenings that are considered 'public' require a public performance license. Second, a "non-commercial" or not-for-profit 即使不收费,放映仍可能需要公开演出许可证 charged. To determine if your screening is 'Public' consider the following:

  • Is the performance at a place open to the public?

  • 演出地点是否有相当数量的人不是家人 members or friends are gathered? 'Friend' is somewhat loosely defined as 'having a social relationship' with another person.

请注意,即使只有少数人参加放映,它仍然被认为是“公开的” if it is literally open to the public. If your screening does meet the 'Public' criteria, you must acquire a public performance license for the film. These licenses have varying costs for an individual film.


  • Films that are in the public domain can be shown publicly.

  • 电影的制片人(或其他版权所有者)已经给了你书面许可 screen the film.

  • 学院图书馆已经获得了包括公开表演权在内的影片. 欲知详情,请浏览图书馆网页“放映媒体公开表演” 关于如何确定图书馆馆藏中的电影是否有PPR的信息 and/or how to obtain PPR.

  • 图书馆还提供校园访问雅芳,Kanopy, Swank数字校园和 Tugg,它拥有来自各种来源的数千部流媒体电影. Most 卡诺比和雅芳平台上的电影中,有一半都拥有公开表演权. The films hosted on Swank Digital Campus do not have PPR. For information about and 访问所有这些平台,请参阅我们的流媒体指南(

Streaming content through Canvas

图书馆或ITS可以选择性地将作品数字化或提供对数字化内容的访问 that we own or that we have licensed for faculty use in courses. Access to such content 将仅限于在特定学期注册了特定课程的学生, 在学期结束时,学生将不再可以使用. Streamed 内容可以通过课程管理软件交付,在本例中是Canvas. 因为电影是流媒体的,所以不能下载或保留 the course management system. All standard copyright statements, as detailed in the 学院的政策,将持有并告知学生和教师的权利和责任.

我们相信这个协议是符合合理使用的,并且得到了 发行简介“教育用电影流媒体”,日期为2月11日. 19, 2010, which 是由图书馆版权联盟在 ALA, ACRL and ARL. 我们认为,这一行动得到了准备好的讨论的进一步支持 由美国图书馆协会及图书馆版权联盟主办的“电影的表演或放映” classroom," September 10, 2009.


Can films be shown on campus for educational purposes?

YES. 只要你的情况属于以下四种情况之一.

  1. The film meets the criteria for one of the exceptions listed.

  2. You already purchased public performance rights from a distributor.

  3. A face-to-face teaching exception is met through the following:

    • The instructor/TA should be present for the screening.

    • The film is only shown to those students enrolled in the class.

    • 影片或录像与课程之间的关系是明确的.

    • 这部电影不是为了娱乐或娱乐目的而放映的.

  1. 如果筛选符合合理使用准则,使用以下标准:

    • 使用的目的和性质,包括这种使用是商业的还是非商业的 nature - commercial purposes will weigh against fair use;

    • 工作的性质,无论是创造性的还是信息性的——创造性越强 工作,这个因素就越不可能有利于合理使用;

    • 与整个作品相关的部分的数量和实质- 工作量越大,这个因素就越不可能对你有利 of fair use; and

    • Effect of the use on the potential market for or value of the work.

Netflix、Amazon Prime、Hulu等网站上的电影可以在会议室或教室里播放吗 space on campus?

NO. 从卖主那里租借或购买的影片都带有“仅供家庭使用”字样。 rights. 这意味着它们只能在家庭环境中显示(除非是 used for face-to-face teaching).

Can I use a film from the F&M collection for a public screening?

请参阅上述团体筛选的例外情况,并查看雅芳和卡诺比 ( for streaming films with Public Performance Rights. The Library also maintains a list of DVDs ( that have PPR. 在Swank Digital Campus平台上播放的电影不包括在内 screening rights.

Where can I acquire a Public Performance License for a film?

Visit Public Performance for Screening Media (,如果你想让图书管理员填写首字母,可以在学院图书馆的网站上查询 这部电影在雅芳、卡诺比或图书馆的DVD中都找不到 collection. 以下是可能拥有版权的最受欢迎的分销商 to the film you wish to show.

What if no fee is charged for attendance?

不论入场是否收费,公开演出 rights for the film must be secured.

What if there is an educational discussion afterwards?

不管放映后是否有教育讨论 如果它对所有人开放,并且必须有公开表演权,那么它是否被认为是“公共的” secured.

Can my club show a movie?

YES and NO. It is permissible for a club to show a movie for its members only. The 放映不应做广告,也不应收取观看费用. This 不被认为是公开放映,因为它是一群“朋友”或“人” with a social relationship.' It isn't permissible for a club to advertise or announce 放映并邀请公众参加(不论是否收费) attendance).

政策维护:信息技术服务部副总裁 & Chief Information Officer in conjunction with the College Library
Last Reviewed: September 20, 2023