
首页 / 大学政策 / 法律事务及政策 / 《PG电子》申诉政策

Grievance 政策 and 过程 in Cases of 所有eged Disability Discrimination

I. 政策的理由和陈述

这是富兰克林的政策 & PG电子(F)&M)不基于歧视 残疾的. F&M has adopted an internal grievance procedure providing for prompt 以及公平解决指控第504条禁止的任何行为的投诉 《PG电子》(29 U.S.C. 第794页).S. 卫生署 and Human 服务 regulations implementing the Act. 第504条禁止歧视 在任何接受联邦财政资助的项目或活动中残疾 援助.

II. 范围

本政策适用于基于下列理由的歧视或骚扰投诉 disability by staff, faculty, students and applicants for both college employment and academic admission, vendors, contractors, and third parties.

3. 定义
  • 申诉: a complaint of discrimination or harassment on the basis of disability

  • 申诉人: 提出申诉的人

  • 被申请人: the person against whom the grievance is made

IV. 政策

这是富兰克林的政策 & PG电子(F)&M)不基于歧视 残疾的. F&M has adopted an internal grievance procedure providing for prompt 以及公平解决指控第504条禁止的任何行为的投诉 《PG电子》(29 U.S.C. 第794页).S. 卫生署 and Human 服务 regulations implementing the Act. 第504条禁止歧视 在任何接受联邦财政资助的项目或活动中残疾 援助. The Law and Regulations may be examined in the office of Katharine Buchkoski, Ph.D., Director of Title IX and ADA Compliance, 717-358-7178, who has been designated 协调F&M遵守第504条. 

富兰克林 & PG电子(F)&M) prohibits discrimination against any individual on the basis of physical or mental disability. 这项政策适用于所有权利, 特权,项目和活动,包括住房,就业,入学,财务 援助, educational and athletic programs. 这也是F的政策&M提供 为残疾人提供合理的便利,除非这种便利 would impose an undue burden or fundamental alteration to the program in question. 这些程序的目的是确保所有关于歧视的投诉 based on disability are thoroughly and fairly investigated by the College. 

任何认为因残疾而受到歧视的人 may file a grievance under this procedure. F&M will conduct a fair and impartial internal 调查所有有关歧视的指控,并适当顾及各项权利 在所有党派中. 报复 against any individual who has filed a complaint of discrimination, 或者谁曾配合调查这样的投诉,是非法的和在 违反F&人口政策. 

These procedures apply to complaints of discrimination or harassment on the basis 工作人员,教师,学生和申请大学工作的申请人的残疾 and academic admission, vendors, contractors, and third parties. 这样的抱怨 is referred to in these procedures as a “grievance.提出申诉的人 被称为“委屈者”.” The person against whom the grievance is made is referred to in these procedures as the “respondent.”

  1. 非正式的过程

    在向学院提出正式投诉之前,个人被要求做一个 真诚地努力与适当的个人直接交谈,解决问题. 通常,对学生来说,这将是学生无障碍服务主任; for faculty their department chair and for staff , their department head. 如果一个人 对上述提到的个人说话不自在,员工可以说话吗 与人力资源部和学生与第九章和美国残疾人法合规主任.

  2. 正式申诉程序

    当原告认为他们受到歧视的依据是 残障人士可以书面形式向《PG电子》局长提出正式申诉 合规,谁是学院的合规官的第504条的康复 1973年法案(美国法典第29条.S.C. 794).  我们鼓励申诉人随着时间的推移尽快提出申诉 指称的不公平或歧视行为的日期和提出申诉的日期 可能会损害学院调查投诉和提供适当的 救援. Complaints must be made in writing and should include a description of the nature of the alleged unfair or discriminatory conduct and the parties. 该声明 是否应该尽可能具体地说明所促成的行动或不作为 申诉:日期、地点、涉及的人员、为非正式解决问题所作的努力; 寻找补救办法.  调查将尽可能迅速地进行,而且通常会完成 在30-60天内,尽管这可能会因证人的有无而有所不同 scope of 调查 or unforeseen circumstances. ADA合规总监, 或其指定人员,将根据学院的政策和规定调查有关投诉 provide a written response to the complainant. 在进行这项调查时 调查人员可以将申诉声明的副本转发给其行为的人 (或不作为)是 投诉的主题,并可要求适当的个人作出书面答复 在学院. The grievant will have the opportunity to describe their allegations and present supporting witnesses or other evidence. 被告将有机会 to respond to each allegation and present supporting witnesses or other evidence. 调查人员将审查提交的证据,并会见其他证人 由投诉人、被告或第三方(视情况而定)确定 研究者. 所有 parties involved in 调查 are expected to cooperate and provide truthful information throughout 调查 process.

    During 调查 process, both the grievant and the respondent may have a non-attorney support person from the College community. 支持人员必须是 F的成员&M community (faculty, staff, or student), cannot be a family member, and cannot be a potential witness in the matter or another grievant or respondent 在相同或相关的事情上. The support person does not serve as an advocate 代表原告或被告,并必须同意保守机密 在调查过程中. Witnesses and others involved in an investigation are not entitled to have a support person accompany them to interviews. 因为调查 are internal College proceedings, the persons involved may not have legal counsel present at any interview during 调查.

    调查完成后,调查人员将提交一份报告副本 and recommendation to the appropriate College official. 如果投诉发生了 of an academic matter, the report will be sent to the Provost. 如果出现投诉 从非学术领域,报告将被转发到相应的行政 head of the area, unless they are the subject of the grievance. 在这种情况下, 报告将转交给人力资源助理副总裁,由他负责 forward it to the appropriate officer of the College.

    在提出申诉后的六十(60)天内,教务长、院长或行政部门 head will render a decision on the merits of the grievant’s complaint. 如果分辨率 is not possible within sixty (60) days, the Provost, dean, or administrative head shall inform the grievant of the status of 调查.

    教务长、院长或行政主管的决定副本将被发送到 申诉人、教务长(如果不是由教务长颁发的)和残疾事务主任 服务. A copy may also be sent to the department and/or the persons whose actions (或不作为)是 subject of the grievance, as appropriate.

  3. 上诉

    如果申诉人对申诉的解决不满意, 可提出上诉. The appeal should be filed with the Director of ADA Compliance 谁将把上诉及所有适当的记录转交有关的办事处 提交学院审查和处理. The appeal must be made within ten (10) business days of the grievant’s receipt of the determination. 上诉必须采用书面形式 and specify the substantive and/or procedural basis for the appeal. 署长 ADA合规,将审查上诉并发出书面决定,这将是 终局,不得再上诉. 署长 ADA Compliance may delegate 如果《PG电子》合规总监进行了对指定人员的上诉的审查 调查. The decision will be issued within a reasonable period of time, generally no longer than ninety (90) days after receipt of the appeal.

    该决定的副本将保存在ADA合规主任办公室 整整七年.

    这些程序应构成法规规定的申诉程序 implementing Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.

    关于F的问题&M’s Grievance 政策 and 过程 in Cases of 所有eged Disability Discrimination should be addressed to the Director of ADA Compliance.

    这些程序的例外情况可由《PG电子》合规主管或 被任命者.

  4. 保密

    F&调查处不能确保在调查根据 these procedures; however, F&M makes every reasonable effort to conduct investigations and related proceedings in a manner that protects the privacy 在所有党派中. 每一个 情况审查尽可能谨慎,信息只与 those who need to know about it in order to investigate and resolve the problem. 所有 调查的参与者将被告知他们应该保留申诉 调查是保密的.

  5. 报复

    报复 is strictly prohibited and F&M prohibits retaliation against anyone for 查询涉嫌违反校园政策的行为,并进行投诉 协助他人投诉或参与调查,符合其政策 在其政策下. 报复 is a serious violation that can subject the offender 要进行制裁,无论是否有发现,都要提出歧视申诉 有可取之处. Anyone experiencing any conduct that they believe to be retaliatory should report it immediately to the Director of ADA Compliance.

政策 Maintained by: Director of Title IX and ADA Compliance