About Geosciences

Our Program and Courses

You can minor in geosciences at F&M. You can also choose geosciences as your chosen track as an earth and environmental science major. 通过研究地球的历史,你将对地球有一个全面的了解, 地球物质的组成和分布,地球内部的过程 world’s oceans, landform development, paleontology, tectonics, and more. You’ll also 寻找有影响力的机会走出教室,进入实地和实验室; the majority of our faculty practice hands-on, project-based teaching styles.

作为地球科学的辅修学生,你将专注于地球科学的一个特定领域 such as:

  • 地表过程,如风化、侵蚀、河流和溪流以及冰川
  • Paleobiology, the study of fossilized remains of biological life
  • 地球物理学,利用重力、磁、电和地震方法研究地球的科学
  • 构造学是研究构成地壳的岩石变形的学科
  • Petrology, the study of rocks and the conditions under which they form
  • 地球化学,对土壤、岩石、矿物等样品的研究和分析 Earth natural materials
By the time you graduate, you will: 

  • Have acquired knowledge in the major subdisciplines of the geosciences
  • 对地球系统及其相互作用有了一定的了解 scales of space and time encompassing plate tectonics and global change
  • 能够收集,分析和解释全球,区域的各种指标 and local environmental change; water, soil and air quality; natural resource use and depletion; natural hazards; and land use change
  • 理解,综合和应用地质原理,以解决现实世界的问题和问题
  • 了解当今地球系统是如何运作的,以及我们如何解释地球的变化 Earth processes through time to inform future decisions
Ready to explore our geosciences classes? Check out our course catalog to discover what you can expect.

Our Faculty & Staff

Tim Bechtel

Director of F&M Science Outreach & Senior Teaching Professor of Geosciences

Africana Studies

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Melissa W Betrone

Academic Department Coordinator for Earth & Environment and Business Organizations and Society; Program Coordinator of STS

Business, Organizations and Society; Science, Technology and Society

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Eve Bratman

Associate Professor of Environmental Studies

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Liam L Connolly

Post-bac Research Assistant

Earth and Environment

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Hannah R Connuck

Outreach & Communication Coordinator

Earth and Environment

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Elizabeth M De Santo


Public Policy

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Alice E Fodor

Outreach & Communication Coordinator

Earth and Environment

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Eric Hirsch

Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies

Latin American Studies

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Zeshan Ismat

Professor of Geosciences, Program Chair of International Studies

International Studies

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James S Jolles

写作中心临时助理主任,地球兼职助理教授 & Environment

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Dorothy J Merritts

Harry W. & Mary B. Huffnagle Professor of Geosciences, Weis College House Don

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Karen R Mertzman

Laboratory Technician

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Eric A Schwarz

Research Associate of Earth & Environment

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James Strick

Professor, Program Chair of Science, Technology and Society

Earth and Environment; Public Health

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Robert C Walter

The Dr. Earl D. Stage & Mary E. Stage Professor of Geosciences, Department Chair of Earth & Environment

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Christopher J Williams

Professor of Environmental Science

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Emily L Wilson

Research Lab Manager & Technician

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Jeremy Zimmerman

Research Assistant

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Andrew P de Wet

Professor of Geosciences, Program Chair of Environmental Science

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Learning Outside the Classroom

In the Field

F&M’s location provides the perfect landscape for studying geoscience. Pennsylvania’s dynamic landscape and waterways, flourishing agricultural scene; the nearby Susquehanna River, Appalachian Mountains, and Piedmont province; and F&M’s Spalding Nature Conservancy and the Big Spring Run 长期的修复监测项目提供了动态和令人兴奋的地点 learn outside of the classroom.

Research Opportunities

当你完全沉浸在你的地球科学研究中时,你可能会发现自己正在形成 hypotheses or questions. The good news? You don’t have to wait until graduate school to investigate those ideas. It’s common for students to embark on an independent study, 或者和他们的教授一起工作,成为他们学习过程中不可或缺的一部分 research even as early as their sophomore year. Geoscience professors are expert researchers working on a wide array of environmental topics, including: 

  • Wetland and floodplain restoration 
  • Mountain building events and the role of plate tectonics in landscape patterns
  • Ground water sources and flow dynamics
  • Remote sensing and data science applied to earth systems and natural resources
  • Environmental applications of remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems
  • Methods for detecting landmines and other explosive remnants of war
  • 冰川时期大西洋中部地区存在永久冻土层的证据
  • Trace metal cycling in marine and terrestrial environments 
  • Environmental change and extinction in modern and ancient marine environments 
  • 了解和预测水生群落和生物对环境的反应 change 
  • Soil biogeochemistry, carbon cycling, and global change 
  • Plant physiology, ecophysiology, and ecology
  • Organism-environment interactions of plants, birds, and mammals

Explore research at F&M

Center for the Sustainable Environment

Many of our students get involved with F&M’s Center for the Sustainable Environment (CSE), our hub for global environmental stewardship and sustainability on campus. CSE是一个研讨室,一个实地工作实验室空间,一个会议空间 for sustainable clubs on campus, and more. Many students work in the CSE or participate 在课外活动中,食物堆肥工作坊、野生食物品鉴会、 and guest speaker presentations.

Explore the CSE


Off-Campus Study

Off-campus study, in the U.S. and internationally, is encouraged. We have sponsored 课外实地考察,去异国情调的地方,如夏威夷、波多黎各和猛犸 Cave National Park in Kentucky. Our students have also spent semesters or summers abroad studying at field stations and laboratories in Woods Hole, Ma., the Australian rainforest, and the savanna of Kenya. 

Explore off-campus study at F&M

Dual Degree Programs

Earn Master of Forestry (M.F.) or Master of Environmental Management (M.E.M.)

In partnership with Duke University, F&M enables you to earn a bachelor’s degree from F&M and a master’s degree from Duke in five or six years. 

M.E.M. and M.F. Professional Master’s Degrees

杜克大学专业硕士项目是一个为期两年、以课程为基础、非论文的专业项目 degree program similar to law or business school in its applied focus. In fact, the degree will actually be an M.E.M. (Master of Environmental Management) or M.F. (Master of Forestry), depending on the path chosen. This is not the same as applying to graduate 文理学院的学校,在那里你可能会获得更广泛的,较少的应用 M.S. (Master of Science) degree in a discipline like Zoology or Biochemistry.

M.E.M. Specializations

The M.E.M. degree is structured around environment and management concentrations. 学生从以下可能性组中选择一个,以获得深度 在一个主题领域(环境)的知识,并建立技能(管理) to put this knowledge into practice:

Environment concentrations:

  • Coastal and Marine Systems
  • Ecotoxicology and Environmental Health
  • Energy and Environment
  • Terrestrial and Freshwater Environments

Management concentrations:

  • Business and the Environment
  • Environmental Analytics and Modeling
  • Environmental Economics and Policy
  • Community Engagement and Environmental Justice

You may spend either three or four years at F&M, during which time you’ll complete all requirements for your chosen major, and all F&M general education requirements. You will then transfer to Duke for two years.

Please consult this document for more details about this program and instructions for participation.

Contact Professor Elizabeth De Santo at edesanto@aibeshosts.net with any questions related to this program.

Success Beyond F&M

我们的项目有着良好的记录,毕业生将继续深造 degrees or embarking on promising career paths. You’ll also find alumni support in 地球科学创始人协会,一个致力于保持联系的组织 between current F&M students and faculty with alumni and friends.

Graduate School

Many of our graduates go on to graduate school after F&M, typically pursuing doctoral programs in science, medicine or law. Our graduates have completed their advanced degrees at the best universities in the U.S. and abroad.

Career Paths

Career outcomes for geoscience graduates are diverse. Many obtain entry-level positions 在环境和岩土工程咨询领域以及作为可持续发展分析师 or consultants. Our alumni have also held positions such as:

  • Chemist
  • Chief Exploration Scientist
  • Chief Science Officer
  • Energy Industry Analyst
  • Environmental Analyst
  • Environmental Scientist
  • Consulting/Exploration Geologist
  • Consulting/Exploration Geophysicist
  • Global Sustainability Manager
  • Hydrologist/Hydrogeologist
  • Marine Biology Researcher 
  • Marine Chemist
  • Planetary Geologist
  • Public Health Researcher
  • Professor
  • Resident Naturalist
  • Science Policy Advisor
  • Senior Geologist
  • Senior Research Scientist
  • Stream Restoration Specialist
  • Sustainability Planner 
  • Water-Quality Technician
  • Wildlife Monitoring Technician

“It’s been an experience of a lifetime. This is something that I could spend the rest of my life doing.”

F&M senior Conner Minkowitz is a paleontologist in the making. Alongside his adviser,  Minkowitz正在研究Kinzers组的节肢动物,这是一组石灰岩 以及从兰开斯特县中部延伸到萨斯奎哈纳河的含化石页岩 River to York. Minkowitz also presented a poster at the Geological Society of America’s 新发现的地质早期节肢动物化石(无脊椎动物)年会 animals with exoskeletons they shed during growth). “It’s been an experience of a lifetime,” Minkowitz said. “This is something that I could spend the rest of my life doing.”
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F&M Launches Chesapeake Watershed Initiative

一项关于切萨皮克湾流域沉积物和溪流的重大发现, made nearly 20 years ago by two Franklin & Marshall geosciences professors, drew national 当时媒体的关注改变了科学界看待土地利用和水质的方式. 近年来,罗伯特·沃尔特和多萝西·梅里茨的研究结合了 the work of F&M Assistant Professor of Economics and Public Policy Patrick Fleming for targeted and cost-effective restoration practices. Their work is designed to improve 改善水质,减少水浸,并加强本地溪流的修复工作 and the Chesapeake Bay. This collaboration has today led to the newly established Chesapeake Watershed Initiative (CWI) at Franklin & Marshall College, supported through a three-year, $1.25-million grant from the Richard King Mellon Foundation, a Pittsburgh philanthropy.
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Earth and Environment Laboratory Facilities

F&M's Department of Earth & Environment offers laboratory facilities open to F&M faculty, 教职员工,学生,以及其他机构的同事,感谢他们的教学 and research. We have ongoing relationships with F&M's Departments of Chemistry, Physics 生物学,米勒斯维尔大学,凯克地质联盟的学院,美国宇航局, the U.S. Geological Survey, and Armstrong World Industries.

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Related Fields of Study

Earth and Environmental Science

Explore critical environmental issues of today through a scientific lens. By studying earth and environmental science at F&M, you will build the necessary biological, chemical, 还有地质基础,你需要研究地球,了解它的动力学 between humans and our environment.

Environmental Studies

你想更好地了解人类如何与环境相互作用并影响环境吗 around us? Environmental Studies at F&M offers a distinctive approach to building the knowledge you need to tackle the environmental challenges of the 21st century.

Sustainability Planning Certificate

Sustainability planning is an increasing need in the marketplace. F&M’s sustainability planning certificate provides the glue that bonds biology; earth and environment; 并为企业、组织和社会培养对职业感兴趣的学生 in sustainable practices.

F&M Geosciences in Action

November 27, 2023

Paleontologist in the Making

当高年级学生康纳·明科维茨开始跟随退休的富兰克林学习时,他对灭绝生物的热情发生了变化 & Marshall College paleontologist.

November 19, 2021

F&M Launches Chesapeake Watershed Initiative

F&M建立了切萨皮克流域倡议(Chesapeake Watershed Initiative,简称CWI),该倡议通过一项为期三年、耗资1美元的计划得到支持.来自匹兹堡慈善机构理查德·金·梅隆基金会的2500万美元赠款.