About Philosophy

Our Program and Courses

Philosophy is a major and minor at F&M. You’ll deep-dive and analyze seemingly everyday 问题,检查哲学的历史传统,并探索一个广泛的范围 当代的哲学问题和话题,同时培养技能 critical thinking and philosophical argument. All philosophy majors share a common 课程的核心,并通过探索当前的哲学工作来完成本专业。 在此期间,该领域的主要学者将访问并分享他们目前的研究成果. 

Curious what philosophy courses are like? Explore our course catalog to discover the types of classes available to you.

Our Faculty and Staff

Lee A Franklin


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Bennett W Helm

Elijah E. Kresge Professor of Philosophy

Scientific and Philosophical Studies of Mind

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Stephan A Kaufer

约翰·威廉姆森内文纪念哲学教授,科学项目主席 & Philosophical Studies of Mind

Scientific and Philosophical Studies of Mind

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Nick Kroll


Scientific and Philosophical Studies of Mind

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Michael McCourt

Adjunct Assistant Professor

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David A Merli

Associate Professor of Philosophy

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Kelly E Schenke

Academic Department Coordinator

Philosophy; Scientific and Philosophical Studies of Mind

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Learning Outside the Classroom

我们高度敬业的教授积极寻求让你参与最前沿的学术研究, discussion, and research. 他们致力于根据你的兴趣定制你的教育 和目标,并帮助你发现独立学习和出国留学的机会 这会扩大你对这门学科的理解. 

Research Opportunities

如果有一个你渴望探索的哲学领域或想法,你就不必这样做了 等到研究生院再开始你的调查. Every student at F&M has 在教师主导的研究中与教授密切合作的绝佳机会 or engage in an independent research project.
Explore research at F&M

Off-Campus Study

Off-campus study, in the U.S. and internationally, is encouraged. Previous philosophy 学生们在英国、意大利、日本、德国留学,甚至花了100万美元 a semester at sea.
Explore off-campus study at F&M

Success Beyond F&M

哲学专业的学生毕业后通常做什么? Philosophical skills can be 适用于任何主题、问题、挑战或话题. Many of our graduates go on to 在广泛的专业领域享受成功的职业生涯,并参加优秀的毕业生 programs. 

Graduate School

哲学专业的学生经常继续学习研究生课程,追求广泛的 在哥伦比亚大学、斯坦福大学、 普林斯顿大学,纽约大学,耶鲁大学,乔治城大学, and Carnegie Mellon University. Our graduates have gone on to study: 

  • Philosophy
  • Law
  • Philosophy of Education
  • Medicine
  • Psychology
  • Creative Writing
  • Cinematic Arts
  • Business

Career Paths

批判性地思考多种观点和沟通你的观点的能力 这对你选择的任何职业都很有帮助. Philosophy graduates 为各种各样的职业做好准备,包括法律、教育、商业、医学、 and government. They hold positions such as: 

  • Professor of Psychology
  • Professor of Philosophy
  • Department Chair of Philosophy
  • Teacher
  • Law Associate
  • Attorney
  • Assistant Prosecutor
  • Assistant General Counsel
  • Assistant District Attorney
  • Federal Prosecutor 
  • Senior Bibliographic Specialist
  • Physician
  • Director of Mental Health Services
  • Creative Director
  • Project Manager
  • Marketing Manager
  • Director of Sales
  • Software Developer


证书是补充教育途径,你可以追求F&M. Certificates 与你的专业或辅修无关,但可以添加到你的简历中来展示 专科:在某一特定领域的专门水平的训练和教育. Philosophy is a major component of several of F&硕士证书:教育多样性与平等; 法律研究、健康人文、数据科学、语言与传播.

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Alumni Spotlight

Studying Hope, Solidarity and Cognition

1922年的马塞奥·沃特利(Maceo Whatley)被“存在主义、现象学的观察方法”所吸引 at human existence,” he said. 尤其是道德心理学专业的学生 conditions of hope and solidarity. 他的研究借鉴了方法和文献 从道德心理学、哲学和认知科学——包围代理(能力) 为个人做出自己的自由选择)和结构的影响 如社会阶层和种族对这种代理都有影响.
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Alumni Spotlight

'A Little Medicine, A Little Philosophy'

Dr. Ben Lin, a 2017 Franklin & 马歇尔大学毕业,哲学副教授 David Merli正在解开痴呆症和高级指令的复杂性. Merli 他将这项研究描述为“一点医学,一点哲学”." Lin's interest 医学伦理学的发展可以追溯到梅里在F&M. "I found the philosophy of moral ethics to be really fascinating. I figured I'd try to write a philosophy paper of my own around medical ethics," said Lin.
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Related Fields of Study

Cognitive Science

How do minds fit into the natural world? When you study cognitive science at F&M, 你将使用来自多个学科的智力工具来理解自然 关于大脑及其工作、功能和行为的.

Moral Psychology

是什么导致人们做出无私或自私的行为? Study moral psychology at F&M和研究人类在道德背景下的心理过程 a blended lens of science and humanities.


F&M的政府部门赢得了在英国最好的政府部门之一的声誉 country. Study government at F&M和检查权力,政治,正义,公平和 在改变的同时发展语言、经济、数学和哲学技能.

A Glimpse at Philosophy at F&M

March 22, 2022

'A Little Medicine, A Little Philosophy'

An F&一位教授和他以前的学生(现在是一名医生)联手探索一个伦理难题:如果病人当前的最大利益与他们过去的生前遗嘱指示发生冲突该怎么办?

October 14, 2021


22岁的道德心理学专业学生马塞奥·沃特利与心理学助理教授埃拉娜·库法里和乔治·富拉斯合作, 哲学与政府学系客座助理教授, on individual projects and an ongoing, joint project centered around microagressions, implicit bias and anti-racist ethics.