

你可以在F主修或辅修古典文学&M. 你将学习希腊语、拉丁语和古代历史 and classical art and archaeology to develop a vivid understanding of the history, art, language, literature, philosophy, religion, social structures, economy, government 以及古地中海的日常生活. 

A major in 经典 allows you to follow your interest in studying the past. 如果你的 interests lean toward linguistic and literary studies, you can explore Greek and Latin 语言文学. 对于那些对考古学和社会史感兴趣的人,你 can take courses that center material culture and thematic topics like sex and gender 或者种族和民族,以及其他话题. 学生在导论中分享基础学习 courses with opportunities to build toward upper-level seminars in which you can investigate 在你感兴趣的领域更专业的话题. 


  • Have developed an intricate understanding of the events, individuals, literature and 古代世界的纪念碑
  • Be able to read Greek and Latin texts with a proficient knowledge of grammar, syntax, 语言和意义
  • Be able to identify and assess Greek and Roman monuments and artifacts 
  • Comfortably use standard resources to research questions about the ancient world, including secondary sources, digital humanities resources, commentaries and dictionaries
  • Understand the unique blend of diverse approaches to studying the ancient world

想知道古典文学课程是什么样的? 看看我们的课程目录就知道了 你所能得到的东西的深度和广度.




经典; Sociology



雪莉·沃特金斯·斯坦曼古典文学教授, 古典文学系主任, 布鲁克斯书院堂






负责战略计划的助理院长 & 古典文学教授






Our classics professors are committed teachers and active scholars with broad interests who publish in the most prestigious national and international journals. 当他们 bring their vast knowledge and expertise to the classroom, they’re also committed to tailoring your education to your interests and goals, and helping you to discover independent study and study-abroad opportunities to broaden your understanding of 这个学科. 

研究的机会 & 校外学习

As you dive into the intricacies of the ancient world, you may find yourself wanting to further explore a particular route, be it a text, artifact, historical event, or 完全不同的东西. 如果是这样的话,你就不用等到毕业了 来展开你的调查. 每个F的学生&M有非凡的机会 to 从事独立或教师主导的研究. Previous 经典 majors participated in archaeological field schools or engaged 在拉丁手稿的研究项目中. 我们的学生也经常 出国留学 in locations such as Athens, Rome, and Bath and London, England.


获得古典文学学位后会发生什么? 与广度的研究 that a multifaceted major like 经典 provides, our graduates are immediately prepared to pursue advanced degrees or begin their chosen careers upon graduation.


Many 经典 majors go on to study in graduate programs in 经典, Classical Archaeology, 美术史和其他相关主题在美国.S. 和国外. 毕业生也追求 advanced degrees in medicine, law, English literature, and more.


古典文学专业的毕业生可以从事各种各样的职业. 它们找到了它们的初始值 jobs in education, law, medicine, business, banking, insurance, and government. 最近 F&M经典校友担任以下职位: 

  • 助理管理员
  • 助理总法律顾问
  • 古典文学助理教授
  • 律师
  • 业务拓展经理
  • 通信官 
  • 内容的作家
  • 市场总监
  • 英语老师
  • 美术助理鉴定师
  • 拉丁老师
  • 法律研究经理
  • 图书管理员
  • 医疗主任
  • 博物馆教育专员
  • 博物馆教育工作者 & 考古学家
  • 律师助理
  • 医生
  • 艺术史教授
  • 记者



和古典学教授扎卡里·拜尔斯一起, Therese Watkins '23 will co-author work that an international journal will publish later this year. 沃特金斯教授 Biles were the first scholars to recognize an allusion in poem “37” to a passage in 荷马的《PG电子》.” “There are other scholars out there who had close to the same 思想,尤指军事主题...但是没有人注意到这个具体的暗示 to the ‘Iliad,’ so that was new and unique to us,” Watkins said.

“我喜欢古典文学,因为它是对古代世界的研究. 试着联系 两千年前的人们是一个非常有趣的过程.”

作为一名F&M student, Jinrui Zhang won that year's Sight Translation Award. To participate, students must translate a Latin passage without using any outside 资源,包括字典. 学生们有一个小时的时间来完成并到场 尽可能接近作者的意思. 张的翻译是最多的 精确的. “我喜欢古典文学,因为它是对古代世界的研究," Zhang said. "试着联系 两千年前的人们是一个非常有趣的过程.” 



What does art of the past tell us about the transformation of visual and material 随着时间的推移? 通过在F&M,你会积极参与 this living dimension of the past through its artifacts, images, architecture, and 相关的文献.


Investigate the development of literature in an international and historical context. 当你在F&M,你将探索基础 works of literature from a variety of historical periods and national traditions to better understand the ways in which literary processes unfold in various environments.


Learn to think clearly and creatively about the big questions: the nature of meaning, morality, justice, art, the mind, knowledge, language, and reality. 通过学习哲学 在F&M, you’ll search for understanding while discovering how to value the reason 为了答案,就像为了答案本身一样.



资深焦点:Ryan Mullahey

Phi Kappa Psi president Ryan Mullahey urges new students to take advantage of everything F&M所能提供的,包括向别人学习的机会.


校外学习:苏格兰的Caroline Findlay

For my first trip out of Scotland, I headed to Munich to meet up with some friends from F&M. The excitement I felt for this adventure could not totally quiet my nervous anticipation - traveling to my destination was entirely up to me and I was completely on my own.



经过三年的学术研究, 特蕾莎·沃特金斯23年的成就几乎是荷马式的, 值得经验丰富的Academics. 和古典学教授扎卡里·拜尔斯一起, 沃特金斯是国际期刊的合著者. 沃特金斯教授 Biles were the first scholars to recognize an allusion in poem “37” to a passage in 荷马的《PG电子》.”