About 公共政策

Our Program and Courses

As a public policy student 在F&M, you will learn not only how societal problems develop, but how they can be addressed and solved in real-world contexts. F&M’s public policy 该计划旨在教你关键的政策分析技能,同时建立相关的 知识,帮助你提出有意义的问题,理解社会问题, and consider a variety of solutions to resolve complex policy issues. 因为公共 政策涉及很多其他学科,你的很多课程都会涉及到 其他课程允许你通过经济学的混合视角来研究公共政策, government, philosophy, and more.

Joint Major in 公共政策

你可以将公共政策与其他学科相结合. 这 灵活性提供了一个令人兴奋的机会来完善你的学位和设计一个专业 that is customized to your learning goals. Examples include:

  • 公共政策 & Business, Organizations and Society
  • 公共政策 & 经济学 
  • 公共政策 & Environmental Studies
  • 公共政策 & 政府
  • 公共政策 & International Studies
  • 公共政策 & 公共卫生
  • 公共政策 & Science, Technology and Society
  • 公共政策 & 社会学

By the time you graduate, you will be able to demonstrate: 

  • 分析技能和公共政策概念知识,帮助您构建问题 和问题.
  • The ability to determine the size and shape of societal problems.
  • 开发和评估解决复杂政策问题的解决方案的技能.
  • 理解多个学科是如何以及为什么相互关联和联系的.
  • 有较强的能力与他人沟通复杂的想法,以便共同工作 toward a joint goal.
  • 以一种转化为专业的方式有效协作的能力 竞技场.

Wondering what public policy courses are like? Explore our course catalog to see what classes are available to you.

Our Faculty and 工作人员


Associate Professor of Art 历史



Elizabeth M De Santo




Patrick M Fleming

Associate Professor of 经济学 and 公共政策




Lead Academic Department Coordinator

政府; 公共政策



Associate Professor of 社会学, Program Chair of 公共政策

International Studies; 公共政策


Biko Koenig

Assistant Professor of 政府 & 公共政策



Stephen K Medvic

The Honorable and Mrs. 约翰·C. Kunkel Professor of 政府




Associate Professor of 政府 & 公共卫生, Program Chair of 公共卫生

公共卫生; 公共政策



导演, Floyd Institute's Center for Opinion 研究 and 导演, 弗洛伊德公共政策分析研究所,政府高级兼职研究讲师

政府; 公共政策


Learning Outside the Classroom

与F&M有很多研究和留学项目,你会有很多机会 走出教室,把你所学到的知识应用到你周围的世界.


实习可以让你获得宝贵的实践经验,并获得竞争力 advantage in the job market later. Public policy students have successfully interned 在地方政府,在费城和康涅狄格州的卫生部门,以及 在美国.S. Environmental Protection Agency in Washington, D.C. 和费城.
Explore internships 在F&M

研究 Opportunities

Every student 在F&M has extraordinary opportunities to engage in independent or faculty-led 研究. 学生们经常利用暑假钻研这项研究,而其他人则进行一整年的研究 independent study projects. As a public policy student, you’ll also have the opportunity 参加政策分析工作坊,学习专业的政策分析方法 to conduct policy 研究 on a community issue.
Explore 研究 在F&M

Community Service

F&M的公共政策项目强调公共和社区服务是你的职业生涯的一部分 educational experience. You’ll also find exceptional opportunities to gain valuable 通过实习和Ken Duberstein等资助奖项获得实践经验 1965年公共服务实习基金,夏皮罗-卡德威尔实习基金,以及 Bill Jahn '65和Sharon Jahn公共服务实习捐赠和基金.


出国留学 这是一种为你在现实生活中学到的东西增加价值的好方法吗. 往届学生曾访问西班牙、阿根廷、英国、德国、印度、约旦、南非等国家 Africa, Viet Nam, Ireland, Denmark, and Bhutan.
Explore off-campus study 在F&M


What can you do with a liberal arts degree in public policy? Our graduates are prepared to pursue advanced degrees or begin their chosen careers from day one. 分析 以及构成公共政策工作的智力活动——包括解释 文本,写作,与他人合作,以及客观的思考-帮助你发展 useful and productive skills valuable for any post-college plan.


许多F&M名公共政策专业毕业生被研究生级公共政策专业录取 在普林斯顿大学,密歇根大学,杜克大学 宾夕法尼亚大学,罗格斯大学,匹兹堡大学 London School of 经济学, and the University of Virginia, among others. 此外, public policy students and F&M alums admitted to the University of Virginia Frank 巴登领导与公共政策学院每年获得最低保证 fellowship of $12,500 (Virginia resident) or $20,000 (non-Virginia resident).


With a degree in public policy from F&M, you’ll find you’re abundantly prepared for 专注于公共服务的职业,包括政府,社会政策,社会 服务业、公共管理、国际关系或国际发展. 应届毕业生已经走上了许多令人兴奋的职业道路,担任职务 如: 

  • 律师
  • Media Relations Specialist
  • Public Administrator
  • 公共卫生 Advisor
  • 老师
  • 政府 Relations Manager
  • 政策分析

校友 Spotlight

Where the Environment Meets Policy

作为环境研究和公共政策双专业的学生,实习涉及 environmental policy seemed serendipitous for Lauren Costabile '21. “这 opportunity was right up my alley,” she said. That opportunity was with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF), a nonprofit organization headquartered in Annapolis, Md., devoted to the restoration and protection of the Chesapeake Bay.

Related 研究领域


经济学是一门研究生产、分配和消费的社会科学 of goods and services. By studying economics 在F&M, you’ll develop a framework for 了解经济是如何运作的,它的缺点以及如何补救 拓宽你的视野,了解经济如何影响各个角落的日常生活 世界的.


F&M的政府部门赢得了在英国最好的政府部门之一的声誉 国家. Study government 在F&M and examine power, politics, justice, equity, and 在改变的同时发展语言、经济、数学和哲学技能.


学会清晰而创造性地思考重大问题:意义的本质, morality, justice, art, the mind, knowledge, language, and reality. By studying philosophy 在F&你会在寻找理解的同时发现如何重视理由 for an answer as much as the answer itself.

公共政策 在F&M在行动


Ten Faculty Earn Tenure, Promotion

At its May meeting, 校董会一致通过了专业标准委员会和教务长的建议, 授予四个F&M faculty tenure and promotion to associate professor, while six others were promoted to full professor.


Senior Spotlight: Omar Nichols



学生s Launching 学生s: The Unsung Heroes of Success After F&M
