

Do you want to make a difference in people’s lives by improving their oral hygiene 和健康? 通过F&M’s pre-dental program, you can set yourself up for a successful 牙科事业.

About Health Professions Advising: Pre-Dental

牙科预科课程是由F&M的健康专业咨询 as a supplement 到你选择的专业. And while you won’t declare your major until your sophomore year, your pre-dental advising will begin the moment you step on campus.

As a pre-dental student, you’ll work with the Director of Health Professions Advising 在F大学期间&M. You’ll enjoy personalized guidance on recommended courses to take and specialized programming, resources, and more to help you develop the skills and 经验s you’ll need to be a competitive applicant to dental school. 是否 you are looking for a summer internship, deciding when to apply to dental school, or trying to select which school to attend, the F&M的健康专业咨询 陪你走过每一步吗.

个性化的指导 & 研讨会

作为一名牙科预科学生,你将与 Marissa Sheaf, m.s.S.Ed.卫生专业咨询主任,在F&M. Marissa provides one-on-one advising during drop-in hours and appointments, enabling you to get personalized guidance on the prerequisites for dental schools, how to become a competitive applicant, and more. 她还创作 and oversees experiential learning programs where you can gain clinical 经验 and helps connect you with alumni in the field. 此外,玛丽莎提出了 numerous topics and holds workshops throughout the year designed to provide insight and exploration into different careers in healthcare.


Immerse yourself in the day-to-day life of dentistry prior to entering the field. Marissa Sheaf, m.s.S.Ed.卫生专业咨询主任, creates and oversees experiential learning programs through which you can gain clinical 经验 and helps connect you with alumni in the field. 通过维持伙伴关系 with alumni dentists and several local facilities, Marissa will guide you toward opportunities to shadow dentists and dental residents as they care for patients. 这些阴影 经验s offer you a unique opportunity to get a step ahead in your graduate school endeavors as you can count these hours toward most dental school requirements.


每个F的学生&M has extraordinary opportunities to engage in independent or faculty-led 研究. 牙科预科学生F&M can apply for funding to support their off-campus 研究项目.


Clubs and organizations are another way to get involved while supplementing your academic 经验. The DipDental club offers opportunities for pre-dental students to connect, 参加社交活动,提高他们的学术水平. DipDental在整个过程中计划了各种项目 年份,包括:
  • Sessions about interviewing hosted by the head dentist and program director of the Dental Residency Program at Lancaster General Hospital
  • 研讨会 on becoming a competitive applicant for dental school
  • Campaigns increasing awareness of oral hygiene on campus
  • 社交媒体上的“本周微笑”


If you plan to attend dental school after graduating from F&M,你需要 牙医入学考试. Our Health Professions Advising team will help you prepare for this exam with customized study and preparation strategies and through test-preparation resources, including an official practice test from the American 牙科协会.


F&M pre-dental students are distinctly prepared to continue forging their path to 毕业后的牙科&M. Many of our graduates go on to dental school F后&M before beginning their career as a leader in the field.


The individualized learning and hands-on 经验s F&M提供给我们的学生 them an advantage in the application process. 我们的毕业生已被录取 some of the nation’s top programs, including:

  • Columbia University College of Dental Medicine
  • 乔治城大学牙科学院
  • 纽约大学牙科学院
  • 塔夫茨大学牙科医学院
  • University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine
  • University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine


许多F&M alumni have become leaders in dentistry, including in private practice, clinics, 以及其他设置. 他们的职位如下:

  • 牙科诊所主任
  • 牙科保健师
  • 牙科主任
  • 牙医
  • 家庭牙医
  • 口腔外科医生
  • 牙齿矫正医师
  • 镶牙专家



The biological sciences expand and advance frontiers of knowledge about all forms 的生活. From molecules to ecosystems, from oceans to deserts, from the distant past to present day, biology gives you insights into other species, ourselves, and our 世界.


Health humanities is a growing field at the intersection of humanistic scholarship 健康专业. This certificate blends rich perspectives from several academic fields to explore questions of health (including mental health and public health), 疾病、药物和残疾.


作为F&M, you will not only learn how the brain works, but contribute to the ever-growing body of information on this unique organ. 使用 a blend of knowledge and tools taken from the fields of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, and psychology, you’ll develop a rich understanding of both the physical 以及大脑的社交功能.


Health Professions Advising is offered through F&学生和研究生办公室 开发(OSPGD). 读作“os-puh-god”,OSPGD准备F&M学生和毕业生 for success in every aspect 的生活 beyond college.
